Chapter 1

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🌷(2005) 8:34🌷

"shes upstairs."
Kiyomis brothers voice spoke to someone downstairs, followed by footsteps running up the stairs. "KOMI!" a blonde ran into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Good morning, Kiyomi." a second voice followed behind the short blonde.

"Good morning, keny (Draken)" Kyiomi slowly got out of bed, fixing her shorts and waving to Draken, then turning to Mikey. "shh Mikey, all you do is sleep but once i do it, you just have to wake me up." she punched Mikeys arm jokingly before suddenly pulling him into a tight hug.

"your hands are all bruised... did you get into another fight...?" she questioned him, hoping the answer would be no. "yeah i did, it's okay though! at least i won!" Mikey gave a close eyes smile as he put a hand on her back, trying his best to comfort her. "asshole! you two are so stupid! who the hell fights for fun?!" her demeanour changed as she yelled at them.

"quit bossing us around, mom!" Mikey's groans were heard throughout the five bedroom house.
"Kiyomi, come on. Mikey wants to introduce you to someone" the tall blonde explained as he grabbed Kiyomis sweater to throw at her.
🌷(2005) 9:02am🌷

Mikey explained to Komi how him and Draken had met a dude named takamichi who cried a lot and reminded him of Shinichiro and they were on their way to pick him up from school. "y know, Komi?" mikey paused. "i think you'll like him, he hates fighting, just like you." Mikey smiled
"I don't hate fighting, i just think it's useless for teens to risk their lives for useless fights." kiyomi tried her best to explain her reasoning to the blondes, knowing damm well it wouldn't change a thing.

After a couple of minutes, they reached a school that seemed familiar...
'isn't this Kazutoras school?' Kiyomi questioned herself.

"Komi. quit daydreaming." Draken told her whilst moving his hand in front of her face.
"we'll get Takamichi, you stay here." the tall blonde told Kiyomi as him and the short blonde walked away.

after a couple of minutes, the delinquents returned with another blonde boy with bruises on his face. in the distance she could see a pretty girl with pinkish hair walking over to the group of four.

"Hina..." Takamichi mumbled as the girl got closer.

"Hold on!" the girl yelled.

"oh sorry, im kinda tied up here..." the blonde with bruises on his face apologized.

Kiyomi could see the girl walking up to mikey, lifting up her hand, and slapping him hard on the cheek.

"yo, Pinky pie! what do you think your doing?!" Kiyomi yelled at hina as she hurried to mikey.

She already hated the fact that Mikey got into fights, but for some random chick to slap mikey, it seriously pissed her off.

" hey! you got a death wish?!" Draken yelled with veins practically popping out of his face.

"you think you can just slap him and peace on out?" Draken questioned the girl with pink hair while keeping a tight hold onto her wrist.

'poor girl...draken sure is scaring her, she's shaking' Kiyomi thought to herself as she stood infront of mikey with her hand on his cheek where Hina slapped him.
"it's fine Kiyomi." Mikey informed her.
" and here I thought you and I were going to be great've decided to die." Mikey turned to takamichi and hina, raising a fist at takamichi and acting like he was going to punch him.

"SIKE, jeez man, relaxe." Mikey laughed as Kiyomi let out a sigh of relief.
Takamichi informed hina about mikey, draken and kiyomi. he told her how they were his friends and Hina apologized as Mikey joked around with her.

"she's a nice girl, keep her safe takamichi..." mikey paused. "you don't find girls like that anymore.." mikey grinned from ear to ear, knowing he was gonna get an earful of Kiyomi yelling at him for saying something her around.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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