Teammates to Lovers

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : In this chapter, [Y/N] will be taking Jaune's place as leader of JNPR (the team name will obviously be changed), but just to clarify, he will not actually be Jaune.

Now let the story begin.

In Team [Y]NPR's dorm after classes end, team leader [Y/N] [L/N] is sitting at his desk reading something on his scroll while one of his teammates Pyrrha Nikos is writing in her private journal while making occasional glances at him while blushing.

Unfortunately the comfortable silence of the room is disrupted when their teammate Nora Valkyrie bursts through the door.

Nora : Heeere's Nora!

She exclaims as her two friends shake their heads and chuckle.

[Y/N] : You're back sooner than I thought Nora. Weren't you out grocery shopping with Ren?

Nora : I was, but Renny told me to come back here after I "made a huge scene in the store", so here I am!

Taking notice of Pyrrha, Nora then zooms over to her and tries to get a good look at the journal.

Nora : Whatcha doin' Pyrrha?

Pyrrha : N-nothing Nora, just-

The orange haired girl snatches the book from her friend and begins reading through it.

Pyrrha : Nora please give that back! The things I write in it are personal!

She says pleadingly as Nora ignores her and keeps reading.

Nora : Don't worry Pyrrha, I promise not to tell anyone what's in here. Oooh, now this is interesting!

Pyrrha : N-Nora!

Every attempt she made trying to get her journal back fails as [Y/N] finally gets involved.

[Y/N] : It's incredibly rude to invade someone's privacy like that Nora. Either you give Pyrrha her journal back, or I'll tell Ren to never make you pancakes ever again.

A look of horror then appears on Nora's face after he says this.

Nora : Y-you're bluffing!

[Y/N] : Am I? Do you really wanna take that gamble Nora?

Nora : Oh come on [Y/N]! There's something spicy in here about you! Don't you wanna know what it is?

[Y/N] : Whatever Pyrrha writes in there isn't anyone's business but her own.

Pyrrha : Thank you [Y/N].

She smiles warmly at her leader, causing Nora to get an idea.

Nora : Ahem! "Today, I watched [Y/N] easily defeat Cardin in Goodwitch's class. I swear my heart just flutters at how graceful his movements are in combat....."

The red haired girl's emerald eyes widen as Nora begins reading her journal out loud.

Pyrrha : Nora, please stop!

Her plea go unheard as Nora continues.

Nora : "I'm so glad [Y/N] is our leader. He's smart, funny, and an absolute joy to hang out with. I realized a few days after initiation that I had feelings for him, and those feelings only grew stronger since then. I'm in love with [Y/N], but what can I do? He's my friend and teammate, I don't wanna make things awkward if I confessed and he didn't return my feelings. All I can do is–"

Pyrrha finally swipes her journal away from Nora....but it's too little too late.

Her team leader and closest friend now knows how she really feels about him.

[Y/N] : you....really like me that way?

He asks with a slight blush on his cheeks as Pyrrha turns to him with her face dark red from embarrassment.

Pyrrha : Y-yes....

She says meekly as [Y/N] gets up and walks over to her, shocking the girl by pulling her into a warm embrace.

Pyrrha : W-what are you....?

[Y/N] : I love you to Pyrrha, I just never thought you'd reciprocate my feelings.

A wave of happiness washes over Pyrrha after hearing him say that.

Pyrrha : W-what does this mean?

[Y/N] breaks the hug much to Pyrrha's disappointment as he looks at her in confusion.

Pyrrha : S-sorry, it's just that I've never been in love before, so I don't know where we go from here. Are we...boyfriend and girlfriend now?

She asks as [Y/N] giggles a little.

Pyrrha : Did I say something funny [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : N-no, you can just be so absolutely adorable sometimes Pyrr.

He says as she blushes with a shy smile on her face as the two lean in and share a short but passionate kiss.

Pyrrha : I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Pyrrha.

They both say while starting into each other's eyes lovingly before embracing again as Nora gushes over the two.

Nora : You guys are like the cutest couple ever! Seems like me reading Pyrrha's journal turned out to be a good thing right? .......Right?

[Y/N] and Pyrrha end their embrace and give Nora an unamused look.

Nora : What? You guys seriously can't still be made about that! If I never read that journal out loud, you two wouldn't have confessed to each other!

[Y/N] : Still, it doesn't excuse you going through Pyrrha's privacy after she begged you several times not to. I believe a punishment is in order, don't you agree Pyrr?

He looks to his new girlfriend with a playful smirk, which she returns.

Pyrrha : Yes. What kind of punishment do you think is appropriate [Y/N]?

Nora : G-guys? You're scaring me.

[Y/N] : pancakes for two weeks?

Nora : No! Please! Anything but that! I'll die if I don't get my pancakes! Have mercy [Y/N]!

The two laugh at Nora's over dramatic reaction as Ren enters the dorm.

Ren : Uh....what did I miss while I was gone?

Nora : [Y/N] and Pyrrha are dating now....and they want to take away my pancakes! Don't let them do it Renny!

He sweatdrops before congratulating his teammates on their new relationship as Nora begs for him to make her some pancakes.

Love and Destiny : Pyrrha Nikos x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now