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Bodhi had invited me to a party close by, when I wasn't filming so I decided I would go with him and try to have fun after the last party I went to sucked. There I was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter of someone's house I've never even met before, I was questioning why I even came as a girl sat down next to me.

"Hi, I'm Vivienne" the girl smiled. She had extremely long blond hair, brown eyes and specks of freckles dotted her nose

"I'm, CC" I smile back

"I was actually wondering if I could get a picture with you?" She asks

"Yeah, of course" I respond as she pulls out her phone

"I've seen almost all of your movies, I love them" she giggles

"Thank you, that really means a lot" I put a hand on my heart

"So what are you doing here?"

"This guy invited me, I actually don't even know where he is" I look around

"Oh, want to go find him?" She questions

"Sure" I reply standing up

We look around for a few minutes until I eventually see him

"No" is all I breath out

"What?" Vivienne looks at me worried, but all I can see is Bodhi making out with a random brunette girl in the corner of the room

"CC?" She asks

"That's him" is all I say pointing

"Bodhi?" She eyes him


"He's such a jerk, I've known him for 5 years" she tells me still looking at him, un-fazed

"Does he do this a lot?" I finally move my frozen eyes from him to her

"Yeah, all the time" she starts "It's one girl then the next" she gives me an apologetic look and that's when one tear falls then another, then another and eventually I'm sobbing

I take the red cup from her hand and down it

"I really liked him, y'know?" I say while dragging her to the kitchen

"What's in this?" I finally stop next to the fridge, pointing to the cup

"No idea, I just put anything I could find with alcohol in it" she says, honestly

"More" is all I tell her

"Ok" she smiles turning around

I lean against the wall and look for someone to call, anyone. I click on my most recent contact and start calling them, my eyes blurry from crying as Vivienne hands me another solo cup and I give her a nod, while holding the phone up to my ear

"CC?" He questions "are you okay?" I hear Walkers frantic voice from the phone

"No, not okay" I tell him sipping some of the drink

"Where are you, what's wrong?" He starts asking and I give him the address

"Ok, one sec" he hangs up and I shove the phone into my back pocket finishing the drink and pouring another one, and I don't know how many other until I see Walker

"Walker!" I smile

"What happened?" Is all he asks

"Outside, go, let's go" I slur my words pulling him out the door way

"You came" I look at him happily

"You called" he reply's

"Now tell me what's wrong" he asks again as the music from the house slowly drifts out of my ears as we approach the street

"Bodhi" I sigh

"Bodhi?" He asks

"He cheated on me" I start crying more

"Oh, C, I'm sorry" he looks at me

"You were right" I lean on his shoulder and he holds me up so I don't fall over

"God, you smell like alcohol" he tells me

"Are you drunk?"

"Drunk?!" I yell "no, not drunk, I am not" i giggle

"I don't drink" I kick a rock that was on the side walk

"Well, it sure seems like you did tonight" he sighs

"N-no way" I look up at him and he smiles

"Thank you"

"For what?" He asks

"For being...you" I look at his eyes

"For being me?" He repeats

"No, for being here.. right now, when I needed you"


I sit on the bed in the hotel room as Walker comes out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth

"Sit with me" I beg, looking at him

"Okay" he laughs sitting down next to me

"Walker, I-" I start to say, but then just stare at his eyes

"Wha-" is all he can say before I lean in for a kiss and he almost leans in too then stops

"You're drunk, CC" he looks at me more upset then I was

"It doesn't matter" I whine

"Yes, it does, there's no way I'm taking advantage of you right now"

"Oh" I start to cry again

"Don't cry.. please" he looks at me

"I'm not!" I exclaim

"I-I'm asleep" I tell him as I lay down

"Good night, C"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞|𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now