Prologue - The World as It is

391 18 3


Y/N: Hello = speaking

Y/N: (happy) Hello = emotion or tone of voice

Y/N: *moving* = action

Third Person POV

The scene opens with an aerial view of an island off the coast of Korea. There are dozens of boats floating on the waters in a circle formation around the island. Suddenly giant clouds of dust form on different parts of the island. In one of the boats, a captain is watching the clouds form through a pair of binoculars. Standing next to the captain is a sailor that is annoyed that they are just sitting there doing nothing.

Sailor: Captain, we should be in this fight.

Captain: You know that isn't an option. *sighs in slight annoyance* Even if we join them, none of our weapons will deal any damage. We don't have a choice in the matter. It's in the hands of the hunters.

The sailor looks at the captain before he looks back at the island to see more smoke clouds appearing on different parts of the island. The scene changes to a forest part of the island where a man wearing armor is running from something. The man continues to run as the camera pans behind him to reveal a giant red ant with purple eyes chasing the running man. The running man eventually runs out of the forest into a clearing where a group of people are waiting for him. The group of people are wearing armor while some are wearing cloaks like a wizard would. The ones wearing armor have either swords and shields or daggers in their hands while the ones wearing cloaks have staffs instead of swords or daggers in their hands. The running man stops in front of the group and turns around while getting out his shield and his sword and gets ready to fight.

Suddenly dozens of ants rush out of the forest and attack the group of people. The ones with shields and swords push back the ants.

Hunter: Stand your ground and fight! If they get past us, then the front lines are history!

The Hunters continue to fight the ants and manage to kill a few of them but are soon overpowered and get killed by the ants. Some of the hunters launch fireballs at the ants to no effect and are eventually attacked by the ants as well. In the matter of seconds most of the hunters are either dead, or being killed by the ants or are standing there in fear.

Hunter 2: (terrified) No, this is hopeless! Might have stood a chance if we were higher rank but were not!

The hunter who was being chased by the first ant is on the ground covered in cuts and is slowly bleeding out as one of the ants gets ready to kill the hunter.

Hunter: *thinking* Damn it. I'm fading fast...

The ant gets ready to kill the hunter when it is hit on the head by a new hunter's staff and sent flying away. The first hunter is in shock of what happened as the newly arrived hunter faces the wounded man and kneels down next to him. The new hunter appears to be a man in his twenties with black spikey hair and black eyes wearing gray armor with green and black highlights on different parts of the armor with a gray hood over the hunter's head.

The new hunter opens a book before he summons a green aura of magic that then transfers to the wounded hunter. The magic causes the wounds to heal which reveals that the new hunter is a healing class.

Hunter: *thinking* Healing magic?

Within seconds all of the wounded hunter's wounds are fully healed which surprises the now healed hunter.

Hunter: *thinking* Whoa, that worked instantly.

Suddenly a shadow catches the first hunter's attention and about five or six giant ants jump in the air and try to attack the healer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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