Not in a relationship

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Chapter 11

It wasn't something they'd talked about much, Kat's daughters as more than a passing conversation and it was intentional. Kat was keeping them safe for now and Yoongi kept forgetting she had them since they were not around so he never asked, a case of out of sight out of mind for him. But he'd been thinking about it the more they got to know each other, knowing he was going away and during that time, her daughters would be returning from overseas and things would change. They were older so she didn't need to be constantly present like she would've if they were little but she couldn't be available to drop everything for the weird times of the day and night that he could do. And there was the complication of the fact they were old enough to know what being around a celebrity could mean and he had no idea of they could keep secrets. That would need to be a conversation.

But when he woke the next day, none of that was on his mind, his morning wood pressing against her back as his boxers were scattered somewhere on the floor. Leaning in, Yoongi rested his cheek against her neck, inhaling her and maybe to test if she was awake. There seemed to be two scents he attributed to Kat; one that smelt more playful and fun to him and one that felt like it was more for evenings out, more mature, maybe more sensual. What he could smell now though was the leftover scent of the sex they'd had last night and mixed with his semi and the way her naked back seemed to goosebump at his touch, even in her sleep, he was feeling like he wanted to start the morning with a bang. But she was still asleep and he had to get up and keep moving. They were so close to going away that all their days and sometimes well into the night were tied up with schedules of singing and dancing practices plus he had to finish a couple of songs.

Peeling the blankets back, he carefully moved away from her, tucking Kat back under his covers as he walked over to the bathroom. It didn't escape his notice that she'd stayed the night again and that he didn't mind but he wasn't admitting any of that to himself just yet and as he looked at himself in the mirror, it also didn't surprise him that he looked relaxed and maybe even a little smug with his current lot in life. She made him feel that way and as he turned the shower on and let it run over his body, he could at least acknowledge that he thought life might be a little better when she was around.


When he came out of his dressing room, she was almost dressed herself, back in the clothes from the night before.

"Morning," he said as he came over to greet her, kiss to her forehead, pressed briefly as if she'd be there when he got home to give him more and better ones so this was just to tide him over. She wouldn't be, in fact he might not see her for a few days with his insane schedule and realising that, he pulled her in as she finished doing up the buttons.

"Morning," she grinned having dashed to the other bathroom and used her finger with toothpaste to clean up a little when she couldn't find a spare toothbrush. She had never loved morning breath and had no intention of having it today.

"Morning Kitty Kat. I was thinking, do you want to see where I work?"

The look of surprise on her face said everything. She wasn't expecting that at all.

"I mean, yeah, but is that even OK?"

"Wouldn't ask if it wasn't," he answered. "But you couldn't stay long, too much going on."

"We can leave it then, I don't want to make it stressful for you. And I'm dressed like this."

"Kinda want you to see my studio. And you look good."

She looked up and saw the open look in his eyes, nodding and wondering why the thought of that made her feel so shy. "OK, yeah."

"It's a bit of a drama, I have to take you so we have access, it's pretty high tech. And we can't be like, you know, looking like we're together."

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