Nights In White Satin

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My father had contacted me the day before, asking if I'd be interested in meeting an old friend of his. I was planning to stop by and visit him anyways so I accepted. He said his friend was a pretty well known artist. It was sort of a strange offer but I was excited either way. So excited in fact, I  spent hours picking out the perfect outfit to wear. It was a short black slip with a white cropped cardigan. I decided a pair of black Mary Janes and white frilled socks would complete the outfit perfectly. I meticulously did my hair and makeup , ensuring every strand was in place. 

Not realizing a few hours had passed, I noticed I only had 20 minutes left to reach my fathers house. In a panic I rushed out of the door and into my car. The usual route took only 15 minutes, so I arrived a bit early. The bright spring sun beamed on my skin as I walked to the porch. The garden my mother worked so hard on was finally beginning to bloom. I knocked softly on the old wooden door and waited for someone to answer. 

To my surprise, an older man opened the door. He was in his 50s, much taller than you and fairly attractive. My heart skipped a beat as he stared down at me. "You must be Y/n. I'm Roger." He said with a smile as he stuck out his hand to shake mine. I meekly brought my hand to his. He shook my hand gently, as if I were made of glass. After a moment he moved aside to let me in. I thanked him quietly and made my way through the house to look for my father.

 "Y/n, I'm in the kitchen!" I heard my father call to me. I quickly made my way to the kitchen to see him sitting at the dining table while my mother tended to dinner. I smiled and sat on the opposite side of the table from him. The smell of food filled the room and I was reminded of my childhood. I hadn't been home in months. Soon Roger walked in and sat in between me and my father. 

"So Y/n, I'm sure you met Roger." My father said with a smile. "Yes, we shook hands at the door." I answered back, smiling at Roger. Now that I really got to look at him, I realized how handsome he was. Even for his age he was still good looking. His hair was only slightly greying, his wrinkles barely coming in. He had an aura about him. He was so... magnetic. I never thought I'd be so attracted to a man old enough to be my father. But I couldn't help it. He was just so attractive.

 "So Y/n, do you know what band Roger was in?" My father asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "No, I don't... What was it?" I turned to ask Roger. He laughed a bit before answering. "I was in Pink Floyd." he said with a smirk. I was dumbfounded. I'd loved Pink Floyd for years. I just never really knew the members. "I love Pink Floyd! I'd never realized you were a member..." I admitted, a bit embarrassed I hadn't figured it out. "I'm glad you like the band love." he said and smiled, flashing his crooked teeth. 

My mother had just finished dinner and gave everyone a plate. All through dinner I stared at Roger as he told stories of his time in Pink Floyd. His voice was so soothing. It felt like I was being wrapped in warm smooth satin. He'd definitely noticed, and it stroked his ego. As my parents finished dinner, I was left with Roger to talk. The two of us talked for a few hours before realizing how late it was. My heart sank. I didn't want to leave just yet.

 "Well, it's getting late... I'm sure you're a very busy girl." he smiled down at me as he stood up. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote his number on the back. I was a bit surprised by this but happily took the paper. "Call me anytime darling." he said with that same smile he always had. He said his goodbyes to my parents and was on his way. I eventually did the same, eager to get back to my apartment and call him. 

I walked through the garden path, illuminated by the bright moonlight. When I reached my car, I drove as quickly as I could to get home. When I finally arrived, I ran straight to my room to call him. "Hello?" he answered. I was a little embarrassed to have called him so quickly. "It's Y/n... sorry to call so late." I heard a laugh at the other end. He sounded happy to hear from me. 

"I have a question for you Y/n..." he said warmly. "What is it?" I said, a bit of anxiety in my voice. Maybe why I had been staring at him so long... Finally he answered in a deep husky voice "What are you wearing under that pretty little dress?" His words were dripped with lust and I felt that familiar warm feeling in my chest. Blood rushed to my cheeks when I fully realized what he meant. 

"White lace lingerie..." I squeaked out. He hummed on the other end, obviously happy with that answer. "I was wondering what you had on all night... I was right." I could tell he touching himself in some way, but I wanted confirmation. "Roger... Are you..." I asked quietly. "Use your words." he replied cheekily. I blushed even harder. "Do you... have your cock in your hand?" I managed to squeak out. "I think you know the answer." He moaned and began to slowly huff through the phone. I was getting wetter and wetter the longer he pleasured himself.

 "Darling, why don't you do the same for me?" he said breathily. I quickly did as he said, stripping myself down. I dipped a finger into myself and whimpered through the phone. I could hear him quickening his pace. I added another finger, working a bit faster. The warm fuzzy feeling of pleasure washed over me. 

"Can you do one more thing for me Y/n?" He asked. "What is it?" I asked, willing to do whatever he wanted. "Call me daddy."

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