Chapter 4: I See

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I sat in my next class, counting the money that rich boy gave me. Honestly, I wasn't going to help them. They are totally murderers, right? Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to help, but do I look like I want to help those assholes? No, no I don't.

I leaned back in my chair as the chemistry teacher ranted on and on about something I wasn't paying attention too. I saw Pamela Lopez sitting a couple desks in front of me, eyeing the ground.

I crumpled up a piece of paper and chucked it at the back of her head. Bullseye! The paper smacked the back of her head and bounced onto the floor.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, causing her to look around at me in anger. She looked around and I looked away to avoid suspicion. I waved at her, and trying to impress Pamela, I yawned, and started counting my money again. Heh, nice. She however whipped her head to look straight at board again. Oh. Guess she's not impressed.

"Charlie, I don't want to go to class."
"I thought you just said you did! And I don't want makeup work."

I eyed my friend as he touched his nose gingerly, wincing. I sighed.
"Charlie, maybe we should just drop out. I'm sick of being bullied. Sure, you paid Ayava to help us out, but what's the point? I'm sick of getting shoved and shit. That day wasn't our fault!"

I burst out, blinking rapidly as I adjusted my overall sleeve. I didn't want to cry, but I felt tears sting the back of my eyes as we walked down the empty halls. Charlie patted my back gingerly.

"It's not your fault Sue died Rew."
He smiled comfortingly at me. I nodded.
"She wasn't a good person anyways. She blackmailed us remember? She literally controlled our lives. Sure, she could be fun, but she kind of deserved it."

Charlie started straight ahead, taking his scrunchie out of his hair and letting it fall onto his face. I blinked at him in a mixture of comfort and anger. She wasn't a good person, but she didn't deserve to die. And we DIDN'T murder her!

"Yeah, whatever."
I shrugged and stopped at the outside of the English class we both had at the same time, and I shook my head.
"I don't want to go in."
I commented, looking at Charlie. He shrugged.

"Too bad. I'm going in."
He smiled before flinging the door open dramatically and waltzing in. I sighed and followed suit.

I yawned as I sat in the library. I was supposed to be reorganizing books, but instead, I was trying to take a nap with my head on the table. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I looked up, I saw that boy from the hallway who had looked like a lost dog.

"Um, hey, do you know where Mr. Dayani's class is?"
I was trying to pay attention, but his hair was so... Weird. Why was it spiky? Did he intend to impale someone with that hairstyle?

"Uh... Second floor, S238."
I told him, eyebrows raised. He nodded and thanked me, smiling. He seemed sweet. The boy walked away swiftly, and I turned back to the table to resume my nap. I lowered my head onto my arms when I heard some shuffling behind a bookshelf.

I lifted my head slightly to look, and I saw Ken Okotama and Jolie Sea hiding behind the last bookshelf. I could see them partially, but the books obstructed the view.

"Ken, I have to talk to you!"
I heard Jolie hiss to Ken, both of their voices in a low whisper.

"It's Yelena."
"What about her?"
"She's changed. She is a total jerkwad all the time! Did you see how mean she was to Rew? Hell, I used to be her friend, and I doubt that they killed Sue! I don't know why Yelena and the rest of the school is set on it, but Yelena is so... Rude!"
"I mean, you're right, but her sister died last year Jo."
"But what about Yelena? It could have been her. Or it could have been a psycho in the woods!"

"Theoretically, yeah. Or, it could've been an alien! Imagine how cool that'd be!"

Oh, so this is how it was going to be, huh? Well I can play this game too.

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