Day 3

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I got down from my shelter to get food right now and yeah the food stocks refill! That's amazing! I'm filling a bag I found with food at the moment.

I'm still down from the shelter but I dropped the food off in my shelter. I'm looking for any signs of that person or that drone from yesterday it's better if I can get help.

Yeah no this is god awful. I just saw the person. Their face was completely disfigured and their arms were bent in angles I didn't know existed! I feel like throwing up. This is awful.

I'm back in my shelter. No signs of the drone or living people but I think it'll be safer if I stay up here and pass the time.

I wonder how it is outside. If they miss me or nobody cares that I'm missing.

Well the lights went off but I got a lamp here. How does it work without it being plugged that's odd.

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