Day 5

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I'm at the top of my shelf currently. I remember seeing something strange before I came in here. There were big black vans blocking streets that lead to the IKEA. Can I kill the employees? If I can I might will be safer.

I'm guessing the lights act like the day/night cycle.

How interesting I just saw an employee that was just legs I don't think I'm crazy just wow how is it alive?

I got down to place more lamps and guess who I just found! Rick! He's here too! He said that after I was said missing he went to the IKEA and noticed that all the streets that went to it were blocked by black vans with tinted windows and small concrete walls and that the entrance and exit were super watched. He had to sneak in. I guess two is better than one.

I got him a sleeping bag and I guess he'll live in the shelter with me now! Well we're off to sleep.

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