Chapter 7

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We know that you got into a relationship with Gauravi. So you don't need to hide it, beta, uncle is not going to punch you. " Damini said.

" Gauravi?? "

You think that I am in a relationship with her??" He asked, looking at all of them. Maurvi and Damini nodded.

"No!!! It is a lie!! I am not in a relationship with her. " He said shaking his head and looking absolutely shocked as well as surprised as if this was utter nonsense.

" Don't lie, Shaurya, it's ok. We understand you are scared as Gautam is here. " Maurvi was saying.

" No, Aunty, I am not lying, I am not in a relationship with her. How could you think it was even possible? And... And she is in love with Mihir, in fact, she is even engaged to Mihir. Then why do you think that she and I... ". He said.

Gautam had started getting angry.

" I know, but she refused to get married to him and the reason that she gave in front of everyone is that she is in love with you. " Maurvi said

" No!! It must be her latest prank. You all know how it is between us. We do not even like each other. Why is she saying that she is in love with me?? Please trust me, we are not in any relationship. " He said.

" See, I told you that he would never accept his relationship. " Gautam was getting angry with every passing second.

" Calm down, Gautam. " Maurvi said.

" How can I calm down after how he denied being in a relationship with our daughter? I told you, he will not take responsibility for all this. " Gautam was telling now.

" Shaurya, you should be man enough to accept your relationship. I know that you don't believe in settling down, but you can't get away like this after what you did. You can't deny being in a relationship with her. This is not fair, we have raised you better than that." Sagar scolded his son.

" Dad, I am not lying. I don't even like her, I would not even think of being in a relationship with her. She is lying. I would rather die single than be in a relationship with her even if she is the last girl alive on the planet." Shaurya said.

" Enough!! Do you want to say that my daughter is lying? Why would she do that? " Gautam asked.

" I don't know why she is saying it, but I know that I am not lying. We are not in a relationship. " Shaurya said.

" Fine! I expected only this from a playboy like you but somehow she pleaded with me that you love her too. So let me call her here and let's see who is lying. " Gautam said.

" Gautam, calm down! " Maurvi said but he ignored her and called Gauravi but she was not picking up the call. So he called Siddh.

" Hello, Siddh, where is Gauravi? " He asked.

" ....oh, okay! As soon as she comes out of the washroom, get her here at Malhotra mansion. Immediately. " Gautam said.

" Shaurya, what's wrong with you? I know how you go around with random girls and change girls every day but if what Gauravi is saying is correct you will have to marry her. Be a man and accept it. " Sagar said.

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⏰ Last updated: 21 hours ago ⏰

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