Chapter 1: Prologue

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The three elementals walked through the halls of their golden palace, ruling over the three planets that contained life.

Earth, Valassa, and Reigna. The three names of the planets were chosen by the goddesses.

Earth has the most life forms. Valassa was where the gods and goddesses lived, and Reigna was where the banished lived.

If you were banished, you couldn't live a normal life. It was Firesse's idea, the fire elemental.

The banished lived in misery. No happiness, no fun, just sadness and loneliness.

Emily, the Earth elemental, walked beside Skyla, the Lightning elemental, who walked next to Firesse.

There was indeed a prophecy, that they looked over every day.

A young girl, age of twelve, will find her way to the elementals. This child will have extraordinary ice ability.

With this ability, she will find a way to stop Nibiru, and save all life.

But, in order to stop Nibiru, she will have to defeat the darkness.

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