Fucking magic!

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Today was normal. That was except for the fact that I had saved some money up for myself to buy something. I was in my usual pawnshop that I liked to go to buy cheap but fun objects and was perusing my options. That's when I noticed it. I picked up this weird looking book and flipped through it. It felt magical somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on why this strange book gave off such an enchanting feeling. I flipped through some pages, and up first, I barely understood it. That's when I suddenly started to just understand the words. I don't know how I was able to practically learn a new language so quickly and suddenly, but I just guessed it was my lucky tie that helped me out with it. I came to the counter, book in tow, and asked the guy at the counter the very important question.

"How much for the book may I ask? I have a feeling I can put this somewhere that'll make my place look nice." Time for some bargaining.

"Hum. How much money do you got?" Gah. He went for that.

"Not doing too good on money right now, but I bet I could scrape something out of my pocket. May I hear the price?"

"Hum. How about twenty dollars?" Gah. That's a lot.

"How about a small discount for a poor man like me?"


"Sounds like I better go then. I don't need this book that much."

"Wait. Thirteen."

"You got yourself a deal my fine man!" 

I quickly paid and practically ran out before the scammer realized he was the one that got scammed. I made it back over to Lackadaisy to test out this bad boy in one of the empty rooms we had in the back.

"Hello my sweet dear cousin! Haha!"

"Oh, um, hi Rocky. Where were you? You suddenly just left and we didn't know where you went."

"Oh, just went shopping for a book. Got this bad boy for only thirteen dollars." I patted the book.

"Bad boy?"

"Yeah. No idea where I got that from, but I'm just rolling with it!"

"I'm not even going to ask anymore. Nothing surprises me at this point with you."

"Ha! Glad you're getting used to my shenanigans cousin! I'm off into the other room to read this book now. Enjoy your sweet, alone time with Ivy. Don't think i didn't notice those white stains on that tarp in the broom closet."

He blushed...a lot. He also stayed quiet as I headed into another room.

"Now, let's see how this works." I flipped to the first page. Levitating stuff. Sounds like some fun. I then put one of the empty bottles we had lying around down on the floor before I read the instructions.

"Seems easy enough. Wonder if this'll actually do anything." 

I then concentrated like I've never concentrated before. I put more effort into trying to levitate this bottle then when I was at school and I had to study. In the end though, I couldn't succeed in levitating the bottle.

"Gah! What a scam! I paid a good thirteen dollars on this!"

In my anger at being so foolish, I threw the book. What was weird though is that when I did, it lost speed, but didn't hit the floor. I was bamboozled for a second before looking down at my hands. They had a weird blue outline on them like the book said they would. Well, it didn't outright say it would be blue. What it did say was that differently colored auras on the hands when doing magic showed different affinities with it. I brought the book back to me and checked what blue meant. Turns out blue means it would be easy for me to excel at magic mastering, and that all I needed was a couple minutes with simple spells to master them. Now this was something.

Lackadaisy: Rocky Learns Magic (cause why not?)Where stories live. Discover now