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Ivy looked back. 

"I-is this a raid?"

"Don't worry. Me and freckle will go out and deal with serafine and whoever she brought."

"How do you... I'm not going to question it anymore." 

I made a practical gun for freckle. It was an Ak-47.

"This is an interesting gun."

"You're going to like it."

Freckle's boing was grinning with maniacal delight right now and the red tint to him was even stronger.

'Hehehehaha! I'm going to be able to shoot so many damn people with this! Haha!'

"So that's where it comes from."


Suddenly, we heard the Lackadaisy door break down. Thank goodness Harashio was here too when I went all weird. Freckle and I rushed out and I pulled out a sawn off shotgun. When we entered the room, we saw Serafine, Mordecai, and Nico along with what seemed like other gang members.

"Wait... how are you not dead? Must be that book."

"Woah. I thought you said that the magic guy was a small, skinny, and easy to take out guy. Your trick always kills your target."

"Well, we aren't going to let him live twice. n'est-ce pas vrai ?"

A chuckle, "Oui."

I then felt I wasn't able to move. I tried every trick I had up my sleeve, but I couldn't.

"Gah. Oh no."

'Fuck. This is bad. She's got some skill.'

She was just staring at me. Then she raised her gun. Then the two worst sounds on the planet mixed into one. A gunshot. Freckle's cries of pain. He saw that I was in trouble and leaped in between the three bullets that were meant for me.

"No! Nooo!"


He was gripping his stomach and was writhing on the ground. I was... I was tearing up as I could only watch him grow weaker.

'Let me in control. I can help.'

I didn't think and said.

"Do it."

Suddenly, everything went dark for a few seconds, and then bright. I had my hand on his stomach and had just finished a healing spell. Freckle looked thankful before he looked horrified.


I was so happy he wasn't dead. I thought I lost him.

"B-behind you."

Now he was tearing up from what he saw. That's when I noticed the shear amount blood on my hands and other body parts.

'Lives were taken to bring him back. I'm not sorry for what I did.'

I looked behind me, and I saw a slaughter. People's guts were pulled out though their mouths and were left hanging out. At the same time, they were around other people's throats, chocking them to death. Parts of stools were shattered everywhere and people's eyes and mouths were filled with splinters. I looked up as I noticed blood dripping from the ceiling. Someone had his chest ripped open and his guts were wrapped around a stalactite of the speakeasy's cave. Looking down again, I saw serafine, Mordecai, and Nico still alive. They were tied up to some chairs. Some very very bloody chairs. I stood up and walked to serafine. The others were knocked out. She was awake for what had happened though. I grabbed her chin and angled it up at me.

"Why shouldn't I kill you?"

She was sobbing. What Ricky did must have been like letting hell lose.

"Please. I'm sorry. I don't want to die."

"That isn't a reason."

"I-I'll do anything! Do you want a blood sacrifice? Money? Lives? I can get you anything you want."

"Not a good enough reason. You shot my damn cousin!"

I grabbed her shoulder and then punched her in the face. Hard. I wailed on her until I heard Ricky's voice.

'Stop! You're going to kill her.'

I stopped as soon as I heard this and backed away. She was knocked out now. I could sense feelings from her though, so she was alive. As I looked around, I saw that the others were just standing there. They must have come in after they heard the noise die down. Fear. Disgust. I saw both of those emotions. I then fell down again, but onto my sorry ass.

'Freckle died Rocky. Without these people's souls, he would've been dead for good. They deserved it.'

"Did they though? That makes me as guilty though."

A sigh. 'You are a superior being. You should be able to do whatever you want.'


'You are better then everyone, and you should know that. Bullets bounce off your skin, you have the power to level cities. Nothing can stop you.'

"N-no. I don't want to be that bad."

I got up and backed myself against a wall. I then gave one last look at everyone before teleporting away. They were wrong. I was a monster. I needed to be caged. I don't deserve a life. I'm...evil.

Lackadaisy: Rocky Learns Magic (cause why not?)Where stories live. Discover now