My OC's Canon Things

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    A/N: So, I realized that while the comics have the people and all, I haven't explained shit. So that's what I'm going to do.

My Oc:

Name: Jade the Shadow. Jade was Knives's best friend after the crash of the Seeds ship. When Knives began to  form the Gung ho guns, she decided to take a name more styled like a Gung ho guns' for the sake of not standing out. Despite being one of the only people Knives cares about and being one of the most dangerous beings to exist, she is extremely friendly and hates being the center of attention, particularly if the people watching are strangers.

Age: Probably somewhere nearby 8,972. Honestly, I just picked a number because I have no clue. She'd probably be a similar age to Zazie, which could explain how they are such good friends. She was on the planet before the Seeds ship crashed.

Height: Because I am SHORT and I slightly modeled her off of myself, she is about 5'7, almost as tall as Midvalley but not quite. Her height can cause issues when she needs to help Legato, Knives, or Milly with... anything, really. Take into account that for one, Legato, who she tends to have to help most, is 6'1. That means he is half a foot taller than her, so he has to lean down, or she pulls him down, or she gets a chair.

Favorite Things: This is where most of her things match mine. Already given, in Early Breakfasts, is the fact that she loves Thai tea boba. If you've never tried it, I highly recommend that you do. She loves to sleep, preferably till late morning. Obviously she loves the boys, but she has a particular tendency to favor Legato, almost in a motherly instinctual way. She is overprotective of him, even fighting Knives if she feels it's necessary. Honestly, in certain situations, I feel like Knives would also be extremely protective of him. Her oldest friend is Zazie, having known them before the Seeds ship crash. She enjoys exploring the wrecks of the ships for old technology, finding it all fun and fascinating. Despite constantly having some sort of issue with Elendira, for the way he sometimes treats Legato, she does still care greatly about him. Elendira acts kind of like a mean big brother to Legato in the 'Only I'm allowed to' way, if you know what I mean.

Things She DOESN'T Like: Being the center of attention was already said. She gets easily annoyed if Legato and Elendiras's fights cause too much trouble or go too far. She particularly hates when Legato's past is brought up, to be seen in future chapters. For those who have read the manga and remember the incredibly ugly man at this part of the story, I have given him a title for the sake of the comic and any other stories I do, as well as a board game I'm making for fun. I call him The Mayor, and Jade hates him with her very being, the mere mention of him causing her eyes to go red and her hands to get twitchy. (This is partly an actual reaction I get when reading the particular part of the manga. I get twitchy and incredibly angry, and I have to take a break. Shame my eyes don't go red though.😂) However, she always puts Legato first, so if he's having a panic attack but The Mayor is nearby, no matter how much she wants to kill the bastard, she always helps Legato first.

What She Even Is: A shadow demon of MY kind, as in a type I made. I have made a variety of demons for the books I write(real books), and this type of shadow demon is one of them. A shadow demon is a spirit of protection. I might make a book later on the different types of demons. Shadow demons basically choose who they want to protect, there is no limit, and no matter what the person does, the demon will protect them as much as they can. She chose to protect Knives when they met, then Legato when her and Knives saved him. Later on, she chose to protect Milly and these two get along GREAT. This also is the second part of her name, if you caught it.

   Basically, she is a sweet, caring, protective type of demon who loves nearly everybody, but hates certain people very much. She calls all her friends love, as she loves all of them. There have been multiple cases with Knives, Legato, and Milly, where she was in public with one of them and called them 'love', leading to them both ending up embarrassed and at home with sweets. Basically, someone either thought they were a cute couple, or thought they made a bad couple. Something that she and Knives are allowed to do with no permission, warnings, or restrictions is touch Legato, but she almost always asks anyway.

   And that is pretty much the whole thing. I promise other characters will come into it on certain chapters, I already have several planned out. I also think I'll do some multi-parted ones that have actual things happen, although most will definitely be dark and the least child friendly things I post on this story, particularly having something to do with Legato in danger, things similar to his past or concerning situations or people in his past, dead people ( No restrictions on dead kids, so there will be some), mild to heavy gore, and swear words/degrading cruel words and names. (Some I think are swear words possibly, but one is definitely not, for the cruel words. I will list them if you want me to, but you'd have to be fine with adult situations. The people who know Legato's past probably already know at least some of the words and names. 

   A/N: I feel like an asshole for doing this for fun. As much as I love certain characters, I also enjoy tormenting them so that someone can save them and kill the tormentor.😅 Anyways, have a lovely day and I hope you enjoyed.

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