3/ fighting and ditching

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Perrie pov

~Friday night~

Fuck. What do I wear? This party is literally messing up my brain. Do I dress casual or like fancy or what? If your wondering why I'm freaking out is because I've never been to a high school party! Yeah I know, you expected me to go to at least one since I'm a senior but nope. Never have I been to a high school party.

The floor was filled with clothes I tried on but didn't like. I looked through my closet and found nothing! Geez I do need to go shopping but now is definitely not the time.

I ended up trying on a black leather pants and a black shirt that had a pair of pink lips on it that said 'shut up and kiss me' in white. I stared at myself in the mirror and then added my black converse to finish my look. I then did my makeup which was just regular every day make up look.

I heard a knock on my door and quickly threw everything under my bed. Soon the person came in. I let pon a sigh of relief that it was Caitlin.

"Dinners ready and why are you dressed like that?"she asked wide eyed and confused.

"Just play along please."I said. She looked confused but still nodded. I quickly ran to the bathroom and put on a robe and tied it so you wouldn't see my outfit. I turned the sink water on to put some one my face so it looks like I was sweating. I walked down the steps slowly then took a seat. Mum was facing the other way so I let out a few nasty coughs to hopefully get her attention.

"Perrie are you alright?"finally! Got her attention. Now it will all go as planned.

"I d-don't feel to good. I'm c-cold."I said then coughed. She came over to me and put her hand on my forhead...oops havent thought of that.

"You feel normal but your sweating. I think your getting a fever! Do you want some soup or something?"She asked and I shook my head. This was too easy...

"I think I should just rest in my room and sleep."I suggested and she nodded.

"If you need anything just come down."she said and laughed. I walked up the stairs but slowly and let out a few 'coughs'. Once I got to my room I quickly locked my door and threw the robe off. I got to my phone to see Zayn texted to ask what room I was in since he was already here. I told him I would flick my light on and off. I did that for a minute or so then left it off. Then grabbed a black side purse and put the house key and my room key in there. When I finished that I walked over to my window and saw Zayn looking up at me with his arms out.

"Perrie your going to have to jump!"He said.

"Are you insane!"

"I'll catch you, I promise."I began to put one foot out the window then carefully the other. Apparently I wasn't careful enough and felt myself slip off the window.

"I got you, I got you don't worry."I felt arms being wrapped around me as Zayn said that. I opened one eye and felt relieved that he actually caught me. Not that I was doubting him.

"Quick lets go"


Drunk teenagers, dirty dancing, and alcohol being poured into red cups. I never knew high school parties were like this...

Zayn held my hand leading me around the house since it was a bit crowded here. We stopped in front of the 4 boys and their 2 girlfriends but I also saw Jesy,Leigh, and Jade talking to them. I didn't think they would even go near each other since the little 'arguement' at school.

"Aye you guys made it!"Louis said smiling ear to ear. There were all standing by the counter top talking but when I looked at Jade she seemed a bit... Drunk? I ignored it and Zayn sat down on a chair and motioned his hands for me to sit on his lap so I did.

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