6/ no worries

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Btw I promise next chapter will be more interesting cos I have something exciting planned!!!

Perrie POV

The last couple days have been alright if you ask me. School was alright, home felt the same, and Zayn and I were all good now. In fact he's coming to my sisters party. Yeah I know your probably asking 'how is your mum letting him come?' But what I did was ask her if a friend can come join the party and she said yes.

"I think everything is ready."Mum said looking around. Caitlin's party was today. Right now she was at one of her dance classes so that gave us the time to get the party all ready. I went upstairs to change since I wasn't ready yet. My outfit wasn't really 'Hawaii' in my mums opinion but it looked nice so I wanted to wear it.

I slipped on the white crop top. It was really nice and I liked how it was kind of lace at the ends.Then I slipped on my favorite part which was the long pale pink skirt. It went all the way to my toes which I loved! My shoes were in my closet so I went over to grab them. They weren't all that special. There were just plain white sandals. I didn't bother getting fancy ones because you can't even see my toes in the skirt anyways. I went over to a cabinet and took out my curling wand and did a couple loose curls. My make up was already done since I did it earlier and so I stuck with it since it looked nice.

"Perrie, come down stairs, people are already here!"Mum yelled down. I quickly grabbed the flower crown that I picked out which was the same color of my skirt which is pale pink. Gently I put it around my head so it wouldn't mess up my hair.

I walked down the stairs and saw my favorite cousin Ellie. We ran towards each other and hugged since the last time I saw her was when we moved a couple years ago.

"Oh my gosh Perrie your so fit."she said and I blushed. We went over to the couch to talk and slowly everybody who was invited started coming in. My mum left to go get Caitlin from her dance lesson so she made me get everybody ready. The door bell rang and I knew that couldn't be them yet cause they just left so I went to open the door. I came face to face with my dad and his girlfriend with Lexi on the side.

"Hey guys."I said and tried to put on a fake smile. Mum said she invited them so I let them in and told them that Caitlin was almost here. I was about to close the door until I heard a quite familiar voice.

"Don't leave me all alone love."I went straight into his arms which I loved.

"You made it."I said and pecked Zayn's lips which were really soft right now. He nodded then we both went inside hand in hand.

"So um is your mum here?"he asked and I shook my head which gave him relief.

"Almost, they should be back soon."I said and my phone vibrated. It was a text from my mam saying to hurry up because they were pulling into the drive way. I told everybody which got them all quiet. I went to turn off the light then went back to Zayn's side. We crouched behind the couch and just waited for them to come in. I heard Caitlin say "why the hell is it dark in here?" We all jumped then yelled surprise when she flipped the light on. Her expression was priceless. Everyone went to go hug her including me and Zayn.

Of course it took my mum awhile to notice Zayn was here. When Zayn went to hug Caitlin, mam pulled my arm to the kitchen. This should be good...

"What is he doing here?"She snapped at me and I rolled my eyes. Now she is going to make a big deal out of nothing.

"You said I can invite a friend."I said saying the truth. I smile and she just shook her head at me in disapproval. I didn't want to tell her that we were dating cos she'll probably find that out later.

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