Finding a Way Out. (2)

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Chapter Two: Finding a Way Out
As DashTheBuilderFox and 96 year old began to work together, they soon realized that they didn't have the tools to escape the nursing home. They were trapped, with no way out. But they refused to give up.

They searched the nursing home from top to bottom, looking for anything that could help them escape. And then they found it: a small tool kit in one of the rooms. With the tools in hand, they set to work on the door.

At first, it seemed like it was impossible. The door was too strong, and the tools were too limited. But DashTheBuilderFox and 96 year old were determined. They worked tirelessly, determined to find a way out.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they did it. They managed to break through the door with the tools and escape the nursing home. They weren't out of the woods yet, but they were free.

They stood outside the nursing home, catching their breath and taking in the fresh air. It felt so good to be free. And as they stood there, they realized that they weren't just two strangers anymore. They were friends.

But little did they know, their adventure was just beginning.

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