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- Sonic -

"What do you mean by disappear?.." A horrified expression crossed my face as I whispered, the idea slowly sinking into my brain.

"You have to go missing. For you own good, and for others..." Silver reasoned. I had started panicking by then, breathing heavily and trying to not show it as much but it was failing horribly.

For my own good?...MY own good?

Unfortunately, we were already out in public by then and I was already losing focus. Silver noticed this and nodded at Mephiles to signal to him before leading me to a nearby alleyway that was not too far from people but far enough to where I can begin to relax.

"Try breathing slowly." Silver said before demonstrating taking in a deep breath and exhaling. I soon found myself following his lead. Before long, we sat together in silent, both in our own different world.

"So are you deciding?.."

As soon as he brought up the topic again, the first thing that came to my mind was my friends.

Was I going to have to leave them alone?..

I groaned in frustration and dropped my head into my hands. Mad at myself and the situation I was in. I didn't want to leave my friends to deal with Eggman, let alone future problems. I didn't want to randomly ditch Shadow and Rouge in the middle of a mission.

Silver rubbed my back, helping the rapids of thoughts slow down. "It's alright. You really don't have to make a decision right now." He started. "I predicted that you probably got a few weeks before the news spreads out. So best thing to do right now..."

Silver stood up, looking down before reaching a hand towards me, " to go home and lay low. Avoid anyone that might have been at the incident and anyone who wasn't, that also means avoid talking to your friends."

Eyes widened, a nervous chuckle escaped me as I took his hand.

"Are you being serious?..."

Silver looked at my with empathy on his face. He sadly nodded before pulling me up using both of his hands.

We finally decided to escape the alleyway and met up with Mephiles to start heading toward my hotel since it was getting a bit late. The whole way there, Dark was bothering me about the decision I had to make.

"You know, you could just say no. But I would take the offer." Dark said, floating next to my shoulder, continuously circling me. I tried to ignored him but being reminded every second by an annoying demon, who was slowly devouring my sanity away, was not helping.

When we reached the hotel, something As I led Silver and Mephiles to the room, I could have sworn someone was watching us. I shook it off, not before realizing the door was unlocked and cracked open just slightly. Finally alarmed, I kicked the door open to see Shadow and Rouge's unconscious body on the floor.

Silver wasted no time and ran directly toward Shadow and shook him roughly. He pressed his ears to Shadow's heart before letting out a deep sigh. "He's alive, but barely. Something must have hit him hard in the chest to knock him out like this."

Looking around the area, the state the room was in made it look like a big battle had recently just happened there. Silver continued inspecting Shadow and Rouge's body for any other injury while I walk around the hotel room to see if I can gather some clues.

As I circled the area, a hint of something was peeking out from one of the sheets. I reached toward and grabbed what seemed to be a hedgehog quill. A green hedgehog quill.

I quickly spun around at the sound as something crashed behind me. Silver had already jumped up from where he was crouching and entered a fighting stance and I joined him.

"Greetings." A voice rang up. A green figure walked out of the shadow with Mephiles in a headlock, a gun pointed to his head.

I finally realized who it was. The one causing all the trouble. "Scourge. What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice; Silver gave me a confused look before returning his gaze toward his partner.

"Aw, you do remember me!" Scrouge laughed from where he stood, tightening the headlock as he did so. Mephiles let out a dangerously raspy breath that frightened me and Silver.

"Meph!" Silver yelled, reaching his hands out about to attack. Scourge pressed the gun harder into the grayish-green hedgehog.

"Don't. Move." Scrouge hissed, glaring at Silver. This made Silver backup, a worried look shaped onto his face. I took his hand and squeezed it, hoping to calm him down, even for a bit.

"What do you want." I asked, trying to push fear into the abyss but failing horribly. Scrouge let out a wide grin before pointing the gun at Silver.

"I'm here to finish a mission. See now, the boss wants him and his boyfriend to die. The pay is a lofty so I took it. No hard feelings." He smirk, still aiming the pistol at the white hedgehog.

I was horrified and disgusted by the respond. I had already hated the guy and his guts. Hearing this made me despite him even more.

Baring his teeth, Silver looked like he was about to lose his mind. I got myself ready to hold him down but before I could, he shouted,


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