chapter 29

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I pace down the pavement of my house and rush into my car. I start the car and the tires screech against the pavement, and my phone rings at the same time. My phone flashed with light, and a no-caller ID phone number flashed on the screen. I picked it up hesitantly, "142, Bernwood Street. Now," spoke a man on the other end. Azaan.

"Yeah, but why are you calling from an unknown number?" I asked my brother,

"Don't ask questions, and get here as quick as you can. You're in for a surprise and I'm afraid, it's a bad one," he spoke and hung up.

I guess I am really in for a surprise. I pressed the accelerator and drove to Bernwood. Whenever any one of my siblings asks me to come to Bernwood, I'm sure it is not anything pleasant, but it surely is therapeutic.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins, this is the type of rush that The Malhotras are known for. My parents kept Kani's and my identity a secret. Because of the way Azaan was treated in college and everywhere he went. And that made him develop more than just trust issues, it made him disconnect from the world, from himself.

Because the way people kept coming after him, because of the money he had, made him question his own worth. Was money everything that was to his personality? to him?

Azaan is older than me, and he is the cleverest of us all, but redemption is one thing he does not possess.

To him, and to The Malhotra family, family is above everything. And that's one of the things the we are known for.

My mom, on the other hand, had been repeatedly saying that I'd reached to that level in my life that no one would be able to even touch me if I even went public. 

Even though I'm a little skeptical about it, but I know that my mom knows best.

So the inauguration party for The Equinox, is my hard launch. 

My tires screech against the moist pavement, and I walk out of my car. I walk towards the Bern Warehouse and spot Azaan and Aarav indulging in some conversation. They turn as they hear the sound of my footsteps.

"Well, didn't I tell you to come here as fast as you can?" Azaan spoke his tone harsher and angrier than usual. What is this man so pressed about?

"I'm here now, tell me. Why are we here?" I ask, stuffing my hands in my suit pockets.

Azaan turns his head towards Aarav, and he nods as he starts to speak.

"Well man, this ain't no easy news for me to just tell you." he says, his voice cold but at the same time very, concerned, he lowers his gaze and looks everywhere, except me, "And I know this may anger you, but its for the best. For your best." he looks up again

"What is going on guys? You know I would do anything for you, if you need any help or you need me to pull any strings I will do it-" I ask but he cuts me off, "We don't need your help, we need you to promise us that you're not going to kill the guy," Aarav says

"What guy?" I ask

"Aryan. Aryan Singh," he says and I feel my expression hardening.

"What about that asshole?" I speak and my jaw clenches

"He got married. To Aarya. And I know, you're confused man, but nothing is redeeming to his story. He slept with her while you were gone on some trip to London. And after you both broke up, they got into a relationship and uhm, for the last three years they've been together and now they've gotten married." he says,

I let out a breathy laugh, "That's it? I thought you guys were dealing with something serious here and I know about that." I reply my voice hard.

"Seriously man? You knew and you let him fucking go?" Azaan snapped.

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