-Chapter 21- (Dawn)

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I opened my eyes to a weight on my chest. A bright light consumed my vision, and I squinted to get the glare out of my eyes. I saw an orange blob cover most of the glare, then a wet, sandpaper feeling on my cheek.

'Gah-' I forced my hands up, pushing it slightly back, 'Hi Mangey.' I mumbled.

Mangey gave me a lick on my hand, nudging his head into my chin and giving a small yap. Another figure, which after a moment I noticed was Nine, said, 'Four weeks. That's actually a pretty speedy recovery.' He noted. 

I groaned, 'What in fucks sake happened-'

'You were hurt pretty badly.' Nine explained, more figures coming around where I was to see me, 'I know a sorry won't fix it.. but. I'm really sorry.' He sighed.

Sonic gave a thumbs up to me, 'Good comeback, Y/N, you should still rest, though.' He chuckled.

'Mangey hasn't left your side once.' Tails added in.

Mangey gave me a happy and confident look, I reached a hand up to his ear and scratched behind it, making his two tails wag. I felt two arms wrap around me in a hug, 'I was so worried.' Amy's voice whispered in my ear.

'I'm okay.' I gave a half-hearted chuckle, wrapping my arms around her, 'I promise I'm okay.'

I felt Mangey's pelt rub into my chin, and his weight shifted closer to my neck, 'Awh- you guys.' I smiled.

I looked behind everyone, seeing Shadow propped up against the door, his arms folded over his chest and his gaze looking out to feel the warmth of the afternoon sun. One of Nine's metal tails poked his shoulder, trying to get his attention. Once he looked over, seeing me up, he gave me a small nod of approval.

I gave him a warm smile, then turned to Nine, who seemed to be tad bit more focused on Shadow. He crawled up to me, 'Do you want some alone time?' He asked me at the foot of my bed.

I thought for a moment, 'Right now, this is nice.' I said in a soft tone.

Mangey hopped up onto my head, his hands wrapped around me. Nine then gave a small look around, before rushing to me with a tight hug himself, 'I'm so... so sorry.' He said, his head nudging into my side.

I was taken aback, 'Nine..' I said in a hushed whisper, hugging him back.

Silver smiled at me, 'This has been really nice.. but we kinda gotta form a plan. That's why we were waiting for Y/N to wake up, right?'

'Patience, Silver. They just woke up.' Shadow hissed.

Silver flinched, realizing his hastiness, 'Sorry.' He mumbled.

'No, it's okay,' I promised, thinking as to why they would've wanted a plan from me, 'Well, is it just Nine with us, or anyone else?' I asked.

'Just me.' Nine crossed his arms, returning to his stoic and unchangeable demeanor.

Silver floated up off the ground a little, 'Well, some help is always better than none, right?' He asked.

I nodded, 'We could use all the help we could get.' I agreed with Silver.

'Gadget's coming, I called him a week ago. He's overseas.' Sonic said.

I blinked, 'I'll pretend I know who that is.'

'Someone who helped us fight off Infinite when he first attacked.' Sonic explained, I nodded my head.

'Okay, well. Let's get all the help we can, and then we can start on this plan to take the assassin's down.'

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