5: Driving Home

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I start my car but I turn off the music. I can't stand to hear anything. I relive that past ten minutes. I want to call Harry but that would look desperate.
I don't want to look desperate that would be looking needy. I haven't had that in a long time but my body can't recover. My legs ache and I can't help but feel giddy. My heart is still pounding. I don't know what that was but I want to experience that again. My mind wanders and I feel my head slightly go to the side. That man!

Harry's pov:

That girl. What was that? She makes my mind blur over. I can't stop imagining her face, God. I need her again. That was too good. It felt like it had never happened. It was the kind of things that happened in films. I feel like I have just woke up from the best dream ever. She was a girl from my dreams. Those curves, those lips. My mind was lost in those eyes. Those perfect, pools of deep passion. What they do to me.
I walk back into the club and see the friend she was with, making out with the man she was dancing with when we left. We musn't have been long even though it felt like a billion years. I would do anything to re-live that. My heart still pounds as I imagine us brushing past each other again. I see other girls checking me out but I can't be bothered. I can't get her face out my head. I bet those girls won't be anything compared to her.
I feel a tap on my shoulder, it's one of her friend.
"Where had she gone?" she slurs, god she is drunk. I can smell the alcohol on her breath. She leans on my shoulder. I try to brush her away but she stumbles when I do that. I catch her, if I didn't, she would have faced planted into the ground.
"She went home," I say to her.
"That person! So stupid!" she says as she stumbles away.

I don't think I can handle drunk women or any women in fact any more. I want to go home but I don't know what will happen to her friends. They aren't my responsibility so I decide I can do absolutely nothing. I walk out and go to my car. I drive home not wanting to deal with anyone else.

Rory's pov:

I keep imagining this man. What he does to me is what a man has never made me feel before. My heart pounds when I think of him. What I'd do be next to him again.

After a while, I decide that I'll end up to distracted and crash the car. I turn on the radio player and turn my CD on. Only thing that can distract me is One Direction.

I think their music has ruined every relationship I will ever have. They portray all men as these princes who will sweep you off your feet and carry to their castles. For a man to treat a woman like a princess and be safe and healthy with every relationship. Not all men are like that and I found that out the hard way. I've had too many jerks in my life for me to believe that this is true. But when I think of Harry, god, I bet he is like that. The way he carried me to his bedroom. Like I was his bride. Like I was the only girl he could look at and want to be with. His eyes focused on me and they felt like they were meant to be there.

Oh god, I just turned One Direction about Harry. I can't get him out my head even the band that has distracted me so much, can't get him out. This has never happened before. Drives usually do that as well but the car reminds me of this man. The sexy god of a man. My brain wants him but I can't. If I ring him now, I'll just let myself open up and I have never done that. He effects me like I want to tell him everything, all the tea and the gossip.
Maybe I should ring him.

Wait, I shouldn't.

It'll look desperate.

But I need to hear that voice. Hear it say my name.

I feel my hand reaching for my phone to turn it on and go to call him. I bring my hand away. THIS MAN! I can't. I'll look desperate and that's not good. I need him so much though. My thoughts have been ruined. My mind process has been corrupt by seeing him. My heart pounds when I think of him. I need him so badly. I need him in this car but I can't. My heart wants to but my mind is trying to be sensible. I just need to get home.

I turn right into my street and I see a van on my street. I don't recognise it but it might just be a neighbour. It doesn't bother me. I pull my car into the car park and I get out. My dress has worked it's way up but I can't be bothered to roll it down. There is no point to. I go to the lift and press up. I see the light and the door opens. My mind wanders as I feel the lift go up.

It stops at my floor.

"Hey" a voice says.

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