2 - It's Alright

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Pairs {Ship's'} ; Aarmau

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Pairs {Ship's'} ; Aarmau

Word count ; 617

Series ; Mystreet (S3)

Requested by ; KSAphFan


Derek Lycan, Aaron's father. He had never helped with the fire that fueled his rage, all he had done all his life was lock him away from having a life.

His mother never helped much either, both his parents never respected Aphmau, who he loved dearly. And so by the end of collage, he took the advice Aphmau had given him long ago, and left.

He sighed, opening his eyes, revealing the bright red hues in his eyes, a trademark of the ultima curse. He panicked quickly, his eyes had been much more docile since living with Aphmau. She calmed him.

Though I guess, thinking about your toxic family never really helped anyone, he mentally thought.


"Hello??" Aaron, hello?" Aphmau shouted out from downstairs, groceries in hand. It was odd he hadn't come down yet, he always helped with the groceries.

So she walked her way towards the kitchen of their new house, setting the many bags onto the counter top.

Aphmau blinked, maybe he was down for a nap, moving furniture around all day had definitely taken a toll on the both of them, though Aphmau had enough energy for groceries, and so she insisted on getting them for the house.

And so she slowly made her way up the stairs, grabbing the knob to the door of their room, sliding it open.

Aaron was no where to be found, though just as she turned around, she heard rustling coming from the bathroom.

Walking over, she knocked on the door, "Aaron.., I'm coming in, okay?" Aphmau announced, slowly sliding the door open..

"Aph! Wait no-" He protested, turning his head away, though she had already caught a glimpse of the red shimmering eyes in the mirror.

"Were you, trying on contacts?" Aphmau questioned in confusion, though she had found it weird that he hadn't looked her in the face.

Aaron stayed silent, to afraid to say anything on the matter.

"I'm taking your silence as no... Aaron what's going on?" She prodded again, determined to get answers. She didn't want to see Aaron suffer, or even be embarrassed about anything.

Aaron sighed, barely above a whisper, "No.. it's not contacts. Give me a minute, so I can cover my eyes, I swear I'll explain."

Aphmau sighed, backing out of the bathroom, slowly closing the door she sat on the bed. Waiting for the bathroom door to click open, so she could get answers.

She felt bad for prodding so much, but she was worried. He usually wasn't like this, he was open with her, comfortable with her, but he had completely tried to shut her out just a few minutes ago.

The bathroom door clicked open, catching her attention, "Listen, I'm not forcing you to say anything, but I just want you to feel comfortable with me, Aaron."

Aaron shuffled uncomfortably, "I get that.. I want to be open with you, Aph. But this, it's a lot. I just don't want you to look at me any differently after this."

Aphmau sat up, walking towards Aaron, embracing him in a hug, "I could never hate you, okay?"

Aaron smiled, hugging back, "I hope not."

Time skip

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Time skip.

"That... Is a lot." Aphmau breathed, the guilt creeping up on her as she embraced Aaron into another hug, "It's okay, though. You told me. That's all that matters, I won't ever stop caring for you, even if a curse runs in your blood."

Aaron nodded, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, making him feel a bit better now that Aphmau had officially known. Known what he was, and accepted him for it.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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