Chapter 2: Volunteer

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I take two more second to look at the beautiful face in front of me before my instincts kick in. I shove the man off of me and flip him over so that I am now straddling over his body and my dagger is pressed up against his throat. Surprisingly he smirks back up at me. His smirk is so perfect.

"Who are you, what is your name." I stare deeply into his eyes and keep a steady grip on my dagger. 

"Mhhh, someone's eager." The man sucks on his bottom lip and his eyes glaze over my body. I press my dagger deeper into his skin, almost drawing blood. There is no way this guy is actually flirting with me right now. I am seconds away from killing him and all he can think about is the compromising position we are in. 

"Who the fuck are you, and how did you get here." The man rolls his beautiful  eyes at me but gives me an answer. 

"My name is Nyx Severus Moonstar, son of the High Lord of the Night Court." I tilt my head in confusion. What the fuck is the Night Court. Is he lying to me? I have never herd on the Night Court before, and I have studied all the maps in our library.  

"All right enough bullshit." Fenrys cuts in before hitting the man, Nyx, in the head to knock him out. 

I jump up from Nyx's body and analyzing him more. Now that he is knocked out he looks so peaceful and sweet. He is super tall and built. I can see his muscles peeking through his leathers. He has huge black wings that almost intimidate me. I have never seen wings like these one someone before. They are so dark with a small hint of purple when the light hits its the right way. For some odd reason I am intrigued by the man, I want to know more about him. 

"We need to take him to my mom, she will know what to do with him." Aedion nods in agreement and slings Nyx over his shoulders. Aedion struggles a bit and I hold in my laugh, i'm intrigued by the fact that Aedion is struggling to lift him. 

Aedion, Fenrys, and I all walk side by side back to the castle. Ever so often I glance over at Nyx. His hair is now tousled and moves in the soft wind. 

"Have either of yall heard of a Night Court?" I question. Maybe they know something about this place that I do not. They are much older then I am. 

"Nope never." 

"Never heard of it." 

Strange. I have read almost every book in our library along with Dorian and I have never read anything about a Night Court or a High Lord. It is very odd for me to not know something, I normally know the answers to everything. The thought of having no information about Nyx makes my stomach twist with anxiety. 


Aedion drops Nyx of the ground on the throne room and I tie his hands together behind his back. I lift him up so that he is resting on his knees and slap him back into consciousness. My hand burns from the contact and I shake the sensation off. Nyx must have a really firm jaw. Fenrys snickers from beside my and I slap him alswell to shut him up. 

"Ya'll sure know him to treat a guest." Nyx laughs from below me and it takes all my power not to slap him again. My previous slap has already left a solid red mark on his tan cheek. 

The sound of heels clicking against the marble floor catch my attention and I shit my gaze up. My mom is walking in the room and examining the man in front of me. 

"Who is this." My mom questions peering at Nyx. 

"Nyx, he fell from the sky wile Aedion, Fenrys and I where training." Only now do I realise how utterly stupid I sound claiming that a man just fell from the sky. My mom raises her eyebrow and  walks closer to us. I notice Nyx stiffen a but under the hands that are placed on his shoulders. Most people have this reaction when they first meet my mom.  

A Clash of Stars and Flame (Prequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin