Chapter 6: Escape. ⚠️TW VIOLENCE⚠️

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As I laid on the cold hard floor I heard a door open to reveal N. Korea stood there with a twisted smirk, "What is it traitor!?" I hissed. "Look I am sorry but am breaking you out of here" N. Korea hushed tone. "You're sorry now!? You're a traitor to me!" I yelled in pure rage. "Look [Y\N] I knew that Indo couldn't help you with Pki so I made a plan that I will be like a double sided agent ok?" N. Korea hushed soothing tone. I sighed seeing that N. Korea really cares and wants to help "Got it Northie," I smiled. N. Korea blushed angrily as he broke my shackles.


PKI smirked as he watched Martial going inside [Y/N] cell to get them under control, "[Y/N] darling!~" Martial called out for [Y/N] as they tried to break the window, Martial grabbed them by the waist and threw them against the wall, "I think he needs to train them" Martial suggested. "Hm?~ and let him take our toy, I think not" PKI responded possessively. Martial sighed as he bounded [Y/N] again.


As Malay gets the food the others he sighed "It's been 2 days guys, [Y/N] hasn't broke." Indo looked up from his food, "Ha! [Y/N] breaking that's like China f-" Indo stopped as he looked at Phil "I can't say it since Phil is here." Phil looked at Indo confused but shook it off as nothing.


"Oi, Japan! When is Nekomi coming?" Asked S. Korea annoyed, "We don't need her, Why is she even coming?" Japan sighed and responded, "She's coming because she has info about everybody, and she'll be here in 5." As they waited Japan suddenly asked, "What happened to the all go lucky,drunk South?" South Responded with a scoff as he leaned against the wall, "He can't be out when [Y/N] is getting abused." At that Nekomi came with a sadden look, "America-San died" They both looked at Nekomi in shock, "Who killed him!?" They both asked in unison, "I-It was North-Kun," Responded Nekomi as her cat ears droop down. S. Korea looked disappointed as for Japan he looked absolutely pissed off.

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