Chapter Fourteen - Robin

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I sped through the city streets, fueled by an unwavering determination that seemed to pulse with each beat of my heart. The night stretched out before me, an endless expanse of darkness illuminated only by the flickering glow of streetlights, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within me. Justice demanded to be served; Sylvain couldn't be allowed to escape the consequences of his actions, not after what he had done to Addy.

As the police station came into view, it stood as a beacon of hope and righteousness amidst the chaos of the city. Parking the car with a sense of urgency, I felt my heartbeat quicken in tandem with the urgency of my steps as I entered the building. The sterile scent of the station enveloped me, a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation at hand. Approaching the front desk, I clutched the evidence tightly in my hands, my resolve unwavering despite the storm raging inside me.

"Can I help you?" the officer behind the desk inquired, his gaze sharp with curiosity.

"I need to speak to someone about an assault," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil threatening to consume me.

The officer raised an eyebrow, prompting me to continue.

"I have evidence. A recording. It's about what happened to Adelaide the night of her accident," I explained, my hands trembling ever so slightly with the weight of the truth.

Leaning forward, the officer's expression softened, a mix of concern and professional detachment evident on his face. "Sit down. I'll get someone to talk to you."

As I waited, my mind raced with anticipation. This was the moment of truth, the threshold of no return. I was Addy's voice, the guardian of her justice, determined to ensure that Sylvain faced the full consequences of his actions.

A detective soon approached, introducing herself as Detective Rodriquez. Together, we entered a small, windowless room, the dim light casting a somber ambiance over the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Mr...?" Detective Rodriguez prompted, her tone gentle yet probing as she awaited my name.

"Robin," I replied, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach at the weight of the forthcoming conversation.

"Robin, can you tell me what happened?" Detective Rodriguez's voice was a blend of empathy and professionalism, her eyes fixed on me with a quiet intensity that conveyed her commitment to seeking the truth.

I recounted the events of that fateful night, the fear etched in Addy's eyes, the chilling words uttered by Sylvain, and the pivotal moment when I resolved to take action.

"Before we proceed," she interjected, her tone measured, "do you have any evidence to support your claims?"

I handed over my phone, the recording containing the damning confrontation with Sylvain. As Detective Rodriguez listened, her expression hardened, her jaw tensing with each damning word.

"This is serious, Robin," she remarked, her voice grave with the weight of the revelation. "We'll need to investigate this thoroughly. Are you prepared for what might come next?"

I nodded, a fierce determination burning in my eyes. "I'll do whatever it takes to ensure Sylvain pays for what he did."

Detective Rodriguez listened intently, her gaze never wavering from the screen of my phone. The room seemed to crackle with tension, the air heavy with the promise of justice.

As the recording concluded, she looked up, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of gratitude and steely resolve. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Robin. This is a crucial piece of evidence."

"What happens now?" I asked, my hands gripping the edge of my seat with a newfound sense of urgency.

"We'll start an investigation immediately. This recording will be crucial in building a case against Sylvain," Detective Rodriguez explained, her tone resolute yet reassuring. "You've done the right thing by reporting this."

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