Gods, this is torture, I can see now why D made us run up and down the steps at the observatory. Silently praying that Sloane would keep up her regiment when I was gone. Gone but hopefully not permanently. Although I was pretty sure this staircase might very well be the death of me. Finally I reach what I can only hope is the summit. There are a few people ahead of me, stopping me from seeing the Parapet itself.

Stealing a glance behind me, hoping to catch a glimpse of blonde spiked hair. Instead I'm met with a set of honey toned eyes and dark floppy hair. He winks at me with a smirk. "If we make it across I'll tell you my name" the playfulness in his tone dissipates any malice I'd felt towards him. "When I make it across, you might be lucky enough to get mine." Fuck it, I might die today, no point being boring up until the very end. He nods in appreciation and then jerks his head signalling me to move my ass.

Now or never.

"Name?" The rider with torn off sleeves barks at me. I look over his shoulder and meet Xadens eyes, he just lifts his brow at me but stays silent. I don't know why I expected anything else. "Ailith Tavis" he nods, scribbling it down on the roll. "You know what to do." He doesn't even offer a look in my direction just jerks his head towards the opening in the wall.

I notice Xaden move, slightly so that his arm is just overlapping the door, well it's not really a door more of a hole. Not enough that I wouldn't get passed but enough that I know he's done it deliberately. "Eyes forward, don't fall." Great pep talk Xad. I almost want to say it, but I need to concentrate. He just nods his head and moves. Tentatively I step onto the Parapet ready to face Malek if I have to.

I don't want to though.  I want to live.

"Zihnal be with me"

Half way across the wind seems to pick up, great. Just what I need. I watch in horror as the girl in front of me sways, falters and then seems to pirouette off of the stone structure. Feeling my legs turn to jelly as the storm seems to pick up around us, the sky is darkening. 

I hate it, I hate everything about this gods forsaken place. Forcing my arms out, I step forward but I don't notice the loose stone ahead of me, not until it's too late.

My right foot loses purchase and slides at thunderous speed down the the side, I do exactly as Dìon taught me and force myself not to over correct, my left knee aches from the impact and my hands are grazed but I'm still here, I think.

Or maybe I died and this is Maleks idea of fun, making me re-live this moment for eternity.

Shaking my head to clear the insanity that's coursing through it I slowly bring my right leg back up, moving into a crouching position and steadying my breathing, readying myself to stand again. If I thought I could have crawled my way to safety I would have done it but that wouldn't have made for a very strong Cadet so there is no way I'd have been allowed to. I can see it now, the end of this hellscape. I'm so close I can almost feel the safety of the walls. Almost.

The rumble of thunder sounds like it's directly above me and I shudder, I'm going to be hit by a bolt of lightning before I reach the other side aren't I? Placing one foot in front of the other I force myself to move forward again. The temptation to just run for it is almost too much...almost. This time when I see the loose looking stone I step over it not daring to watch as it ricochets down the side and into the valley below. It's barely the length of my bedroom at home between me and safety. 

 I can do this, I HAVE to do this.

As I reach the sanctuary of the walls I break into a jog and leap down from the parapet, skidding in to a solid form on the stone below me. Before I have the chance to look up, to realise who it is, arms are wrapped around me in a grip like a bears. "I knew you could do it Aili. I'm so proud of you little sister." I feel the tears start to bubble up within me, threatening to erupt. As if he too can sense them he squeezes me tighter and moves me backwards to the shadow of the wall. "Not here Ails, never here." "Ricky...Ricky I did it...I did it." I gulp in precious air, filling my lungs up with the sweet, icy taste.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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