Chapter 4

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Hours felt like days and she was still in the hospital doing tests.

At this time, her family came to visit her. Her younger brother Skittles was worried and super nervous about her. Her father Bill was disappointed but he loved her very much. Lastly, her mother, Jamie. She was worried for her as well. As Skittles was standing next to her bed, he picked up a feather that was next to her. "Papa, look!" Skittles showed Bill the feather he had picked up. "Skittles, how many times did I tell you to stop picking up random bird feathers? They could have rabies." Bill sighed. "But no! Papa, I found it next to Miles." Skittles chirped. Bill gave him and Jamie a weird glance and he stood up to the bed to examine her. Miles was fast asleep because of the medicine the doctors gave her. "You're right." He looked at Jamie. "Come over here, look." He flipped Miles to the side trying to not injure her with the IV's in her arm. On her back revealed these Blue Jay sized wings. Gasps from the family filled the room, meanwhile, Skittles was looking at her with a huge smile on his face. "That's so cool! She can fly now!" Whispered Skittles. Bill and Jamie gave him a weird look.

A moment later, a doctor came into the room. Now, Miles had awakened by the sound of the door opening, "Ah, I see you're awake!" Said the doctor. Anxiety creeped up her spine like a spider. "Anything new?" He said to Bill. "Well, you might wanna turn her around." Bill said slowly, "Oh! We already knew about that, I was gonna tell you that she's ready to go home" The doctor smiled, Miles looked at the doctor thoroughly and saw the name tag on the doctor, it read: Dr. Daniel. Bill's face looked like it would say, "Are you NUTS?" but she wasnt fully sure, although reading other people's expressions was very easy for her, but this time she was actually confused. Dr. Daniel walked over to Miles and took off her IV's. "I'm going home now?" she whispered to the doctor, "Yes, you can leave now. No more tests." he smiled, "Wait, but what's wrong with her? Why does she have those wings?" Bill objected. "Nothings wrong with her, they're just wings, they grow along with her and then eventually, she'll learn how to fly," he shrugged. Bill, Jamie and skittles just blankly stared at the doctor. Miles sat up with a smile on her face and soon enough, they were walking out of the hospital and into the car.

The car ride home was silent, but Skittles was talking about how worried mom and dad were when they found out that Miles had taken a weird dose. "At least I'm alive right? That's all that matters." She said nervously, mostly saying it to her parents but Skittles just said, "yeah, it's all that matters. But most of all, you can fly now!" Miles chuckled and she had a wonderful time with her brother.

(1st person pov)

"And that's how I got my wings." I said proudly. "That was quite a long story," said Steve, "I told you." I laughed, Up ahead, I saw a building with the american flag and when we were heading into the gate, Steve had stopped in front of it. "Is captain seeing people today?" Steve called to the person down below, "Not really, but if it's from you then he'll want to hear about it right away." he called back. "Yeah it's pretty urgent, can you open the gate for us?" Steve said, the guy nodded and pushed a button that had opened the gate. "Should I be nervous, or should I have an attitude?" I whispered to Steve. "Oh don't worry, he doesn't bite. Although he might sound quite rude at first, but once you get to know him I'm sure he'll love you." Love me? "I'm not sure. Are you for real?" I looked up at him, "Here, I'll go in with you" Steve's smile warmed my heart, he was nicer than I thought. "By the way." He parked the tank and jumped out, giving me a hand. "Most of these people are guys, so if you get catcalled, just give them an attitude." he reassured me. I only nodded, I felt like throwing up because of how nervous I was. It'll be fine, don't worry about it too much. We walked into the lobby and I saw whispering and murmuring. I became more nervous as Steve led me to a tall old looking door that said in big letters: "Captain's office" Steve knocked on the door and we heard a faint, "Come in" on the other side of the door. Steve had a smile on his face and he opened the door, "Stephen, what a surprise" The captain said sarcastically, "Turn that frown upside down cap! I got a surprise for you!" steve harmonized, He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me out of the shadows where Captain could see me, I was wearing a beige shirt with brown baggy jeans and brown combat boots, along with a milk chocolate beanie that fit just right on my head, in my world, i could that outfit as formal, or, 'something to wear at an interview'. Captain's smile slightly shifted into a frown again, he put both his hands on the desk and put his chin on them. "What is this?" he asked, sounding feral. "She's here to join us," Steve reassured him. "Oh! Then why didn't you say so?" Captain's frown turned back up into a smile. Studying his appearance, He had dark silky hair, black eyes that looked like the milky way if you keep staring into it. He was slightly muscular and around 177 centimeters tall. He had a few scars on his body, one across his neck, a couple on his face, one across his eye and a big scar on his shoulder. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and black cargo pants along with these black combat boots. His expression was hard for me to read too, it felt like he was happy on the outside but very annoyed on the inside. "Can I be alone with her, Steve?" he said calmly, "Yes, sir." He said, saluting and leaving the room with a 'good luck' face. Captain pulled a packet from his desk and laid it out in front of me, "Now, this part is very simple, all you have to do is fill out this form and your good to go, your uniform will come to you in a couple days, your training starts on monday and i'll give you a tour when your done." He lit up a cigar and started to type on his computer completely ignoring my existence. I took out an extra pencil I had in my pocket. When I flipped through the packet I saw some pretty interesting questions. For example, "When did your grandma graduate from highschool" and "what would you do if you found someone in your room?" I glanced at captain and he had a slight smile, as if he was thinking about someone. "Finished." i said coldly, "Perfect," Captain said, finishing up whatever he was typing. He took the packet and placed it on his desk somewhere, we both sat up and he grabbed me on the shoulders. My face was heating up and I gulped nervously, "Are you okay? I understand you're nervous but are you having a panic attack or something? Your face is red" he took his hand from my shoulder and placed it on his hips, "no, im fine i swear." I told him. "Okay? Do you have any questions before we go on this tour?" He looked at me in the face with his amazing eyes, his tone of voice was softer than when I walked in the room. "Uhm, do you have someone named Bill?" "Bill? Yes, I do. Why?" he asked me, puffing smoke from out his mouth, "uhm.. I'll tell you later" I blinked at the door wanting to run out of it and fly home. "Let's get going then," he sighed.

Whispers and murmurs were spreading around the base, he showed me the garage, the lobby, kitchens, nurses office, and lastly, the rooms. "This will be your room." he said, stopping at room 56. He handed me the key and I thanked him. "One question," he said, leaning on the wall. "You asked me if I had someone named Bill correct?" A smile creeped up my face as I heard the word Bill. "Yes?" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice. "I can show you where he is if you'd like," I jumped up and down and squealed a bit, "Please! Where is he?" I begged him, "jeez, is he your boyfriend or something?" he chuckled, i looked at him offendly "Excuse me? Are you nuts!" I yelled. "I guess not. Follow me, before you explode." he smirked. I was so happy I finally got to see my father after years of me being away. We walked into the place that looked like a lounge. In the room, I saw Steve and Bill talking next to the vending machines. My heart was pounding fiercely when I saw him. "Father!" I yelled, Bill and Steve looked at me like I was crazy, "Miles?!" Yelped Bill, "Father!" tears were running down my face as i ran up to him and gave him the biggest bear hug i've ever given someone before. He was sobbing with me as well.

"I missed you so much," I sobbed. "I did too sweetheart." Bill smiled. "I thought you were staying in England, why'd you move back to utah?" he wiped my red hair out of my face as tears were still rolling down. "Because I missed you, and Skittles." Bill went silent after I mentioned Skittles. "Skittles is still alive?" He said, "Yes, I met with him a few nights ago." I told him gently, "That was you! Me and Captain saw you with someone else that night. I'm so sorry I almost killed you!" he apologized, "Don't apologize, it's okay." I smiled. "Who was the other person you were with?" he whispered, I looked down and sighed. "That was Skittles."

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