The Gods watch over thy end

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Warm beams of light broke through high, ornamented windows as the sun reached its peak above the horizon and made gold adornments look like they caught fire. Silence filled the corridor save for rhythmic, light steps that somehow composed perfectly into that silence. Steps of a predator - almost soundless.

A tall, male silhouette emerged from around a corner. An armour that covered his form was as much practical as it was intimidatingly beautiful. Adorned with a wolf's pelt, it gave power to the elf's presence, if he ever needed more.

The elf came to a halt before a double door at the end of the corridor. He extended his magic like a net, covering all his surroundings and what was behind the door. The wolf found what he was looking for - his prey was in the room. All alone, ready for the wolf to hunt and devour.

The elf delicately, almost sensually mapped the wards covering the room and with little effort fade stepped inside through them.

A spacious study was bathed in light and gentle breeze that was coming from glass door with white, delicate curtain, now wide open. The view that spread from a balcony could make anyone speechless. A city. The city. Built wide around a river, dotted with graceful towers that seem to reach towards the sky like spires. Green parks with floating islands and waterfalls. Numerous marketplaces with every good that a heart might desire. Simply majestic.

Olive walls of the room were half hidden behind bookshelves, floor covered with plush, rich carpets. The centre of the room was dominated by a big, mahogany desk, now littered with various papers and scrolls... also small plants and sweets. The far right corner of the room was occupied with a chaise longue with a ridiculous amount of pillows on it. Very plush pillows.

An Elvhen woman sat at the desk, writing on one of the papers. She was facing the open balcony door and didn't seem to notice the intrusion. As she dipped her quill into a bottle of ink, the elf noted that her heartbeat was slow, her breathing calm and deep.

The elf allowed the smallest of smirks creep into his face and advanced towards the sitting woman, matching his steps with her intakes of breath.

Another dip of the quill in the ink.

He was directly behind her. A predator, ready to strike his unsuspecting prey. She was completely defenceless. Her neck, so slender and graceful, fully exposed by a high coiffure, was almost too tempting to grab with his hands. Her hands, expertly writing some complex mathematical formulas, never making even a smallest blot of ink on the paper, almost begged to be bound or chained. Her half-exposed shoulders...

The elf froze, all thoughts escaping him as he felt a cold metal of a blade touch his exposed neck from behind. He knew that weapon like the back of his own hand. He had fought so many times against it that he could see the blade in the eyes of his mind.

He dared not to even breathe as he saw the woman in the chair fade into nothingness, her heart and breath stopped like an illusion she was. The quill fell onto the paper making a nasty smear. The elf felt a presence behind him, holding the blade that threatened to end his existence and forfeit his soul.

"Tell me, Wolf." Came the voice that could find him even in his dreams. "Why is that your plans always turn against you?"

Chapter I

The Gods watch over thy end

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