From above comes thy death

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The stone spires grew from the cavern's ceiling and hung high above her head.

There were so many of them. Some of them were thick, others long or twisted. But all of them were luring just above her head and the unsuspecting group around her. They lingered like a sword of the executioner ready to end their lives. The longer she looked at them, the more she was convinced that they were going to fall and crush her any minute.

"Breathe in deeply. Feel the energy of the mountains enter your body and mind. Let your body be a guide to itself." The woman in the front of the group was saying. She was sitting in a position that some might say humanly impossible. Her front leg was outstretched before her, flat against the floor. The other was lying behind her, the thigh resting against the mat. It was bent at the knee and the woman was holding her foot with her hand, purposely pulling it higher and higher.

"Control your breath and don't force yourself. If you feel too much pain, ease the stretch. Your body knows it's limits - listen to it."

She was sitting in the exact same position as the speaker, although the flexibility of her muscles and tendons did not allow her to achieve such intense positions. Instead, she tried to focus on her breathing. She became self conscious of it and slowed in, taking the air deeper into her lungs.

She closed her eyes and isolated her senses from the outside world. She focused on feeling her own body, one part after the other. The toes of her feet, the soles, them her ankles, her calfs and finally, her thighs. She then mapped her lower abdomen, her torso, arms, hands to the very tips of her fingers. She noted how tense the muscles were from maintaining the position, trembling slightly. She noted how her tendons stretched to cope with her will to improve her flexibility. She noted how the skin and flesh protested against the exercise where it was covered in thick scars. She noted not so unpleasant chill and stillness of the air in the salt cave. She noted how the material of her clothes felt against her skin. And then, she cut off all that as well.

She looked at herself and the temporary states - her current emotions, her desires and her fears.

She feared that the spires above her head would fall down on her. She felt uneasy in closed spaces. She disregarded both fears as irrational - the cave was thousands of years old and nothing had happened so far.

She feared she would not be able to defend her doctor's thesis. She disregarded the fear as irrational - she trusted her mind and the judgement of her professor that it would be well received.

She wanted to make a change. She wanted to see this world flourish to its full capacity. It was so beautiful, so much potential left yet to discover. But she felt unsatisfied with herself. She felt like she was not doing enough - she should engage more, be more. She had tasted death once - now there was only the unending thirst to live. But she was exhausted as she was. She disregarded the feeling in order to avoid an early death or heart stoke.

She was frustrated that her recent dating attempt had failed. Abysmally. Yet again. She didn't know why - the girl was fiercely beautiful and gorgeously smart. But there was just something missing. The guy before her - walking ten out of ten. Yet, she had lost interest after the second date. She disregarded the emotions - she was still young, she had time.

She missed her big bro and granny. She hadn't seen them since her recent trip - two months already. But she would see them in just the couple of days.

She wanted to see the new Avengers. End game was the new title? Silly desire - the movie would be out in a month, she just had to buy the tickets.

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