Part 7

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I wake up with a splitting headache. Every heartbeat I feel is pulsing behind my eyes. The sunlight streaming through the window feels like it is piercing my eyeballs. I groan and pull my sheets up over my head. Suddenly, a wave of nausea hits me like a punch. Panicking, I throw my sheets off my body and sprint to the bathroom. Falling onto my knees, I throw up any alcohol or food I ate last night. I collapse on the floor, head pounding and the sour taste of vomit in my mouth. I lean my head against the floor board and groan.

After ten minutes of being on the bathroom floor, I pull myself up and somehow manage to get to the kitchen sink. I pour myself a large glass of water, holding it with both hands and gulping it down like it is my first sip in months. Just then, Siena wobbles into the kitchen and sits down at the table. Resting her head on the table top, she lets out a loud groan.

"I know," I say while bringing her a glass of water.

"Never. Drinking. Again." she groans.

I sit down next to her and reply, "You always say that when you are hungover."

"This time it is true."

"You say that every time also."

"What day is it?" she questions, looking around the room in a haze.

"Monday," I reply shortly.

"Oh shit," she groans, "I guess going out on a Sunday was not a great idea."

"You think? I have to work later today," I groan, resting my head on my hand.

Massaging her temples, Siena looks at me with a concerned look. "Hey. Are you okay?" she questions, referring to my run in with Asher last night.

I sigh, looking at the water in my hands. "Yeah. I think so." I pause. "Actually I am not really sure. It was just so weird to see him. He seemed so different. But also he seems to have not changed at all. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah," she says sympathetically, "Do you wish he had changed?"

"I mean, I don't want him to be better so I can date him. I don't want to be involved with him anymore. But I do wish he would just be better for himself. Even if I don't want to see him, I want him to have a good life."

"You are too good for this world, girl," Siena says, shaking her head, "Anyone else would want him to burn in hell after what he did."

"I don't know," I reply, deep in thought, "Maybe a few minutes in hell would serve him well."

Siena laughs, wrapping her arm around me.

After three painkillers and half a gallon of water, I am able to make it to work feeling moderately okay. I pull open the cafe door and am welcomed by the smell of coffee. Even hungover, coffee always sounds good to me. Jamie is already working, cleaning up the espresso machine as I walk in. "Hey!" she greets me, "What's up?"

"Too loud," I reply, "I need coffee."

"Oh. Hungover. I see," she says, while drying off coffee cups, "Is this hangover due to a date with a certain earl grey tea drinker?" She smirks.

Embarrassed and looking down at the counter, I reply, "Um... no. He actually never called. This hangover is from entrusting Siena with Sunday night plans."

"Wait, you're telling me Mr. Lovestruck-Googly Eyes-Practically Mentally Undressing You didn't call?" she says in shock.

"Uh. Yeah."



"See this is why I don't fuck with the male gender. Except my dog, Albert."

"Well, sure it sucks but what's done is done. And you know what? I don't really even care." I lie, vigorously cleaning the counter.

"Yeah. Yeah! You know what? He could saunter in here right now and you would act like you have never laid eyes on him! Like he is a nobod–"

"Oh shit. What if he comes in?" I panic-whisper, dropping the cloth I was holding on the counter. "What am I supposed to do? Act like I didn't practically beg him for his number? Oh my god! Why did I ever let you talk me into giving him my number?" I run my hands through my hair and look around the cafe like I could have somehow not notice that he was sitting at a table nearby.

"Woah," Jamie says, putting her hands up. "Yeah you seem totally chill about this."

I put my head in my hands and groan.

Hours pass and every time the bell dings, announcing someone's arrival, I jump and laser focus my sight at the door, expecting Callum to walk in. "If he does walk in, I am quitting right then and there. Then I will take my car and drive her off the Brooklyn Bridge. Yeah, good plan." Fortunately, no certain tall, brown haired man comes into the cafe. It has been five and a half hours. I am safe.

Just then, my manager walks in and greets us. Mary has been managing Coffee on the Corner since before I was here. She means business, but can be laid back and kind once you get to know her. She has become some sort of a mother figure to me while I have been so far away from my family. She comes up behind me and squeezes my shoulder and pats Jamie on the back. "Hey girls!" she says with a grin, "How's it holding up?"

"Oh you know," Jamie replies with a sarcastic grin, "Sunshine and rainbows!"

Putting her hands on her hips, Mary replies, "Now why do I get the feeling you are being sarcastic?" she teases.

I laugh and add, "Now I don't know where you got that. She is such a ray of sunshine."

"Ha. Ha." Jamie fake laughs. "Oh by the way, Mary. The phone isn't working. I figured out that it can answer calls, but it isn't taking messages or recording the numbers that have called."

"Really?" Mary replies, walking over to the phone and picking it up.

"Yeah," Jamie continues, "Some customer practically told me to take it outside with her to fight because she left a message earlier about ordering ahead and never got a response."

"Okay, well I will buy another one this week. Until then, I guess we won't be getting messages or calls. Oh well," Mary said, letting her laid back side show. The cafe was doing well, so a few days without a phone would not tank the business. Although we might have a few more angry customers showing up after hours, demanding service.

For the rest of my shift, it was pretty slow so Mary, Jamie, and I spent the last half hour catching up. Our laughter filled the cafe as we cleaned up, turned off the lights, and locked up. I drove home that night with a smile on my face, despite a small ache still in my heart.

Author's Note: ... the plot thickens :)

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