Part 21

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Warning: gets a little PG-13 so prepare yourselves


June and I roam the aquarium for an hour. Everytime we get to a new exhibit, she gasps and stares at the animals adorably. I can't help but smile when I look at her. Her long blonde hair is running down her back and her amazed face is lit by the blue light of the water tanks. Every once and a while she will turn to me and say, "This is amazing" before practically skipping to the next exhibit. I smile at her childlike excitement and follow her around like a lost puppy as she bounces around the aquarium.

Finally, we end up at the jellyfish tank. Their light orange bodies float like clouds and are mesmerizing to look at. I am admiring the jellyfish when I hear a click behind me. I turn to see June giggling, holding up a digital camera and pointing it at me. I laugh and turn to her, still taking pictures of me as I approach her. I hold out my hand for the camera and say, "May I?"

She smiles and hands me the camera. I look at the photos she has taken and cringe, saying "Oh god I look like a muppet!"

She giggles and replies, "Like the tv show?"

"No, that means clueless. I look clueless in this."

She laughs again and mimics me in a god awful British accent, "Muppet!"

"Alright, alright," I say, smiling at her having a good time.

"Well I think you look good in the photo," she replies with a cheeky grin. I feel my heart squeeze at her compliment and hold the camera up to her face. Realizing what I am doing, she covers her face with her hands. "Hey, come on," I dispute, "I had to pose now you do as well." She rolls her eyes and smiles at the camera, posing in front of a large tank of water with swaying seaweed. Just as I am clicking the camera button, a large stingray swims up behind her and is caught in the photo. I grin at this, turning the camera around to face her.

She admires the photo, leaning close to the camera. I take this as my chance, pulling the camera away and leaning down to kiss her. I give her a light peck on her lips and pull back smiling. She laughs in shock, leaning her head back and laughing. "Very slick, Cal," she says, still laughing.

"I have been waiting all night to do that," I reply honestly. She smiles at this, coming a step closer to me. Our chests are almost touching, and she is looking up at me and lightly biting her bottom lip. "Well..." she begins, slowly dragging out the word, "I have been waiting all night to do this." Before I can realize what she is doing, June grabs the collar of my sweatshirt and pulls me down to her level. Our lips meet suddenly and crash together. I feel her hand wrap around the back of my neck and pull me closer to her. In response, I put one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her hip, still holding the camera and slightly digging my finger into the flesh of her hip. She gasps at this and continues to move her lips against mine. Our kisses are fast paced and desperate, trying to feel as much of each other as possible. I can feel her chest pressing into mine and her hand still gripping my sweatshirt. Pressed up against her, I feel her chest rise and fall as she takes sudden gasps of air between kisses. I run my hand up into her smooth hair and let our mouths dance together. By this time, our surroundings have blurred and the electricity between us has become lightning, burning us up and making our lungs gasp for air. Lost in our kiss, my hand on June's hip begins to slide down further to grab her arse.

Just then, a robotic voice blares over the speakers and startles both of us. We pull away from our passionate kiss as the voice recites, "The aquarium will be closing in ten minutes. Please begin heading towards an exit and thank you for visiting The Marine Wildlife Research Center and Aquarium! Have a nice night!" June let out a breath, laughing at the situation. Her cheeks are flushed and I have ruffled up her hair, making it wild. She smiles freely and says, "I guess we just gave the jellyfish a free show."

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