Slovax vs. Ugga

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Slovax was flying over the Danube river, enjoying the view of his beloved country. He loved Slovakia and its people, and he felt honored to be their protector. He had been a superhero for a few years now, ever since the accident that gave him his powers. He had faced many threats and challenges, but he always managed to overcome them with his courage and compassion.

He was about to land in Bratislava, where he had a meeting with the president, when he heard a loud explosion. He turned his head and saw a huge plume of smoke rising from a nearby power plant. He quickly flew towards the source of the disturbance, hoping that no one was hurt.

As he approached the scene, he saw a group of armed men fleeing from the plant, carrying bags of stolen equipment. They were followed by a horde of wild animals, who seemed to obey their commands. Slovax recognized them as members of the Paleolithic Gang, a notorious criminal organization that used primitive weapons and tactics to wreak havoc and chaos.

He also saw their leader, a man he knew all too well. Ugga, the savage from the past. Slovax had encountered him several times before, and they had developed a fierce rivalry. Ugga was a ruthless and violent man, who hated the modern world and wanted to destroy it. He had somehow traveled from the lower paleolithic era to the present day, and had gathered a loyal following of like-minded thugs. He was Slovax's archenemy, and the opposite of everything he stood for.

Slovax wasted no time and flew towards the gang, ready to stop them. He fired a blast of energy from his wrist device, hitting one of the vehicles and causing it to explode. He then grabbed another one and threw it into the air, where it crashed into a helicopter. He landed in front of the remaining cars, blocking their escape route.

"Stop right there, Ugga!" he shouted in Slovak. "You're not getting away with this!"

Ugga, who was riding on the back of a bear, looked at him with contempt. He sneered and replied in his broken and primitive language.

"Slovax! You here again! You always in way! You weak and stupid! You no match for Ugga!"

He raised his stone axe and threw it at Slovax, who easily dodged it. He then whistled, and the animals attacked. Slovax had to deal with wolves, bears, lions, and other beasts, who tried to bite and claw him. He used his super strength and flight to fend them off, but he was outnumbered and distracted.

Ugga took advantage of the situation and jumped off the bear. He ran towards the power plant, where he had planted a bomb. He reached the entrance and pressed a button, activating the device. He laughed maniacally and said:

"Ugga win! Ugga destroy power! Ugga make world like before! Ugga rule!"

He turned around and ran back to his bear, hoping to escape. But he was too late. Slovax had noticed his move and had followed him. He flew past the animals and caught up with Ugga. He grabbed him by the collar and lifted him into the air.

"Nice try, Ugga, but you failed. I won't let you harm anyone or anything. I'll take you to the authorities, where you belong."

He flew towards the police, who had arrived at the scene. He handed Ugga over to them, and then flew back to the power plant. He used his enhanced senses to locate the bomb, and then used his energy blasts to disarm it. He sighed in relief, knowing that he had prevented a disaster.

He looked around and saw the damage that Ugga and his gang had caused. He felt sorry for the workers and the civilians who had been affected by the attack. He decided to help them, and used his powers to repair the power plant and the vehicles. He also calmed down the animals and freed them from Ugga's control. He then spoke to the people, apologizing for the inconvenience and reassuring them that everything was under control.

He received a warm applause and a grateful smile from the crowd, who thanked him for his heroism. He smiled back and said:

"It's my pleasure. I'm just doing my duty. I'm here to serve and protect. I'm Slovax, the champion of Slovakia."

He then flew away, leaving behind a trail of blue and white light. He headed to his meeting with the president, hoping that he wasn't too late. He also hoped that he wouldn't have to face Ugga again, but he knew that it was unlikely. He knew that Ugga would escape and cause more trouble, and that he would have to stop him again. He knew that it was his destiny, and that he was ready for it.

He was Slovax, the superhero. And he loved his job.

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