Slovax vs. Brutus

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Slovax soared through the sky, scanning the city below with his enhanced senses. He was looking for any signs of trouble, as he always did. He loved his country, and he wanted to keep it safe from harm.

Suddenly, he heard a loud roar, followed by screams and gunshots. He turned his head and saw a huge figure rampaging through the streets, smashing cars and buildings with a bone club. It was Brutus, the leader of the Neanderthal clan, and Slovax's archenemy.

Slovax felt a surge of anger and flew towards the scene. He knew Brutus hated modern humans and their civilization, and wanted to destroy them and restore the natural order. Slovax had fought him many times before, and always managed to stop him. But Brutus was relentless, and always came back with a new plan.

As Slovax approached, he saw Brutus lift a bus and hurl it at a nearby hospital. Slovax reacted quickly and blasted the bus with his energy beams, reducing it to ashes. He then landed in front of Brutus and confronted him.

"Brutus, stop this madness! You are hurting innocent people!" Slovax shouted in Slovak.

"Me no care! Me hate you and your kind! Me crush you and take back world!" Brutus roared in his broken language.

He swung his club at Slovax, who dodged and punched him in the face. Brutus stumbled back, then blew his horn. A pack of wolves emerged from the alleys and attacked Slovax. Slovax fought them off, but Brutus took advantage of the distraction and hit him with his club. Slovax fell to the ground, wounded.

Brutus laughed and raised his club for the final blow. Slovax looked up and saw the stylized S on his chest. He remembered his origin, his purpose, his values. He felt a surge of strength and courage. He grabbed Brutus's wrist and twisted it, making him drop his club. He then got up and unleashed a powerful blast of energy, knocking Brutus out.

Slovax stood over Brutus, panting. He had won, but he knew it was not over. Brutus would wake up and escape, and come back with a new plan. Slovax would have to face him again, and again, and again. But he was not afraid. He was Slovax, the protector of Slovakia and the world. And he would never give up.

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