from the start.

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summary : Jean's love for you overweighs all the things he hates about rainfall.

warnings : reader loves rain (is that even a warning?), slightest mention of thunderstorms

a/n : it started raining where i live so. complimentary start of rainy season post. <3 i love rains 


cool wind brushed your face as you waited for the bus to take you home. it was going to rain; you could smell it. it wasn't too cold, thank god for that, and you smiled because you were almost never wrong while predicting rain, always noticing the telltale signs of a downpour.

it was going to rain. and you couldn't be more happy.

rain had its own cons. messy puddles everywhere had a risk of soaking your outfit if a car ever passed speedily beside you, the possibility of forgetting your raincoat or umbrella, the sticky feeling of humidity making you feel like you were soaked in sweat before the rain actually started. if the rain was strong enough, you'd get delayed in terrible traffic for at least an hour. it was risky, all of it. yet, you couldn't stop thinking about the humanity that shined through the heavy droplets.

rain brought out humanity. everyone would share their umbrellas, or take cover under their coats or hoods, stand under the shelter of a shop they've never seen before, everyone lined up under the shade for solace. rains meant reminding your friends to bring their umbrellas, sighing at them when they eventually didn't, and sharing yours with them, leaning your shield more towards them, leaving your shoulder soaked so that theirs could stay warm. rain, however cheesy it sounded, united people. if it could blur the line of the horizon and make a person feel like the sky itself was rolling down to the land, then it most certainly could be a moment to bond with people without any words. simply an apologetic smile under the same shelter that said "terrible weather today, right?"

more than that, rain brought out the memories you had. the one memory that shone through the other heavily soaked memories.

your first kiss.

it wasn't anything special, compared to all the other kisses-in-the-rain with their heavy music that ruined the sound of the drops hitting the ground and with the confession that left the character speechless and reaching out for their other half. no, it wasn't anything like that. it was more of you and jean bickering as you always had, shoulders brushing his as they always did.

you might have been arguing about the validity of your weather predictions. in your defense, you weren't the one who started it.

he was rolling his eyes now, and if he did that to anyone else they might think he was annoyed, but the humor in them made you know otherwise. he was having fun with this, with you.

"just because i told you to get an umbrella doesn't mean I'm a know-it-all-" you defend, a smile threatening to slip through your face.

jean cuts you off, "it's not going to rain," he says your name and even if he doesn't smile you can hear the teasing in his voice, hear that even he was trying hard not to burst out laughing. "it's literally the most clear and blue day Paradis has ever seen. it's not going to rain."

clementines. 🍂 a jean kirstein collectionWhere stories live. Discover now