Chapter 18: Dream World's Last Hope

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Handong's breath came out in ragged gasps as she lurched toward the ancient dreamcatcher, its feathers dusted with the glow of long-forgotten dreams. Her fingers closed around it, the familiar weight igniting a surge of adrenaline that coursed through her veins. With the Nightmare's dark tendrils lashing out in fury, Handong stood her ground, her eyes blazing with unwavering resolve.

"I will never give in!" She thrust the dreamcatcher high above her head, channeling every ounce of her willpower into its woven sinews and beads. A luminescent energy began to swirl around the room, enveloping the Nightmare like a cocoon of starlight. "Release them!" she cried.

The Nightmare recoiled, its form shimmering with vulnerability. Its haunting eyes flickered with surprise, the shadows around it dissipating under the force of Handong's blast. It was only for a moment, but it was enough.

"Quickly! While it's weakened!" Handong's voice cut through the lingering echoes of power, commanding and clear. She dashed to Yoohyeon first, the glint of a small blade appearing in her hand as if conjured by sheer necessity. The restraints fell away with deft slices, each one bringing a new measure of hope to the dim cavern. Her sister drooped down tiredly from the effects of the dreamcatcher.

"Handong, what did you do?" Yoohyeon's voice trembled as much from fear as from awe.

"Later," Handong replied, her focus undivided as she moved on to Bora, whose eyes were wide with the terror of entrapment.

"Hold me," said Yoohyeon in a soft voice, barely audible in the cave. Handong reluctantly carried her sister up while moving to Bora, slicing her restraints next.

"Thought I'd never move again," Bora gasped, flexing her newly freed limbs.

"Stay alert. We're not safe yet," Handong warned, cutting through Dami's bonds next. The tough exterior of the mysterious girl softened for a moment in gratitude before she quickly masked it with a nod.

"Your timing is impeccable," Dami muttered, though the ghost of a smile threatened to appear on her lips.

"Siyeon, Minji, Gahyeon, we must leave now." Handong's orders were met with nods as she cut their vines as well. Siyeon took deep breaths, trying to calm the pounding of her heart, her claustrophobia momentarily forgotten in the wake of their narrow escape.

"Thank goodness," Minji sighed, her quick wit already pondering their next move, while Gahyeon, the youngest, clung onto Minji's arm, her fear of falling into an abyss momentarily eclipsed by the fear of what lurked within the cave.

"Handong, how can we ever—" Minji started, but Handong cut her off.

"Save it. We need to get as far from this place as possible," she said, her voice a blend of warmth and urgency. She scanned the cave entrance, leading them towards the uncertain safety of the outside world. The Nightmare, though weakened, was far from defeated, its presence a malignant whisper at the edge of their senses.

" saved us," Gahyeon whispered, her admiration mingling with the weariness in her eyes.

"Nothing's saved yet. Keep moving," Handong insisted, her determination piercing the mystery of their dire circumstances. As they regrouped, their breaths mingling in the cool air of the cave, there was no denying the unspoken truth—they were all bound to Handong's courageous spirit, and together, they would face whatever darkness awaited them in the world of dreams.

Handong's arms trembled with the weight of her sister, but she wrapped them tighter around Yoohyeon, pressing on through the jagged mouth of the cave. Each step was a battle against her screaming muscles and the fatigue that clawed at her mind, yet the fear of losing Yoohyeon to the Nightmare spurred her on. The darkness of the abyss lingered behind them like a haunting echo, urging them into the night.

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