Eighth Confession 🧚‍♀️

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(I've haven't done one in some time so here pookies 😋)

last summer during 2023 I didn't take care of my self at all.

I barely went out, I've probably only went outside between 30 to 27 times last year and only took showers once every three weeks and thought it was healthy, my room was constantly dirty, I never really talked to my family unless it was for snacks ,food or my mom asking me to take a shower.

I barely went out school at all and got alot of low marks because I missed alot of school and now I barely know what I'm supposed to be doing in school right now.

I always had negative thoughts about my friends, I always thought they hated me or didn't wanna be friends with me if they didn't respond to me fast and got jealous because I thought they would be hanging out without me.

I was constantly online and only depended on my two friends that I've only ever got to see sometimes and got attached to alot of people that gave me attention.

But now I'm slowly starting to get better, and I realise why I've only done that is because of what happened to me when I was around 12 or 13, I never thought it hurt me physically but it hurt me in a different way.

I never told my mom or anyone else besides my one friend because I trust them alot and we both didn't know what to do at the time because we were still young, we nor anyone shouldn't have to deal with something like ever happening.

And around November I've gotten to talk to a social worker and told them what happened to me, I've never told my mom what had happened to me because I always thought it was my fault and had thought she would get mad at me.

The social workers contacted the police Shortly after calling my mom to tell her what had happened, and afterwards when it was safe for me to go home I got to my house and my mom had told me that it wasn't my fault, for a while I didn't know how to feel about it but deep down I know that I appreciate that I've told them because without it I'd probably be worse than i was before.

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