Tenth confession 🦀

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I'm still friends with both of my two ex's but I'm better friends with one than the other and their both cousins but I've dated them both

and also I'm friends with them and their other cousin too and their other cousin also liked me but I didn't know what to do about it and just ignored it and just continued being friends with them all

I dated my first ex in like 2019 and I only said yes because I didn't want things to be weird between us

and my second ex I dated in 2021 because I liked them I think but I asked them out but turns out I just liked them platonic-ly but we never kissed or anything else like that because of covid

eand their other cousin, I never dated them because I don't know how to react to it and was surprised about it

I've also dated someone else but they were just dateing me to get to know my other best friend better but I didn't mind that

also thorough all three of my relationships I didn't and still never knew how to react to relationships like i don't know how to like people back or just don't know what to do in relationships like if they said they loved me I'd say I loved them but like with the same emojis they sent me

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