1: watch your step

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AJ groaned as she was rudely awoken by that godforsaken iPhone alarm at 6am, and yes it's still evil even if she set it the night before.

"Fuck offfff" AJ growled as she turned the alarm off without opening her eyes and rolled back over. Just as sleep was about to blissfully take her away again, her phone buzzed again, this time with the all too recognisable ringtone of her best friend Lys.

She finally picked up the phone and answered it, knowing all too well that no one can tolerate the wrath Lys brings down when you try and dodge her calls

"What" AJ grunted down the phone.

"Good morning sleepy head! And you have got to stop with that husky sexy sleep voice thing you got going on, or we will have no choice but to drink too much Jaeger one night and ruin the friendship." Lys, cheeky and inappropriate as always.

"Ha, ha. May I ask why on Earth you are up and so chipper at this time?" AJ could still barely keep her eyes open, despite her blackout curtains doing exactly what they were designed to do.

"Not just awake, but standing at your door, with a Monster, so let me in bitch."

"Ugh I hate you but also love you". AJ rolled out of bed and threw on a clean pair of boxers and an oversized shirt, and padded to the door of her apartment, letting Lys in. Lys held her arms open for a hug, but AJ laid eyes on the cold can of Monster energy in her hands and snapped it out of her grasp, cracking it open and chugging almost half of it like the addict she was.

"Oh god, its like I can feel my cells energise. This is exactly what I needed."

"Crackhead, but today it's allowed. You have a long day."

"Lys, I have my normal rota of clients from 8 until 3pm. And then I will probably drown my sorrows in some beer and Greys Anatomy." AJ chose not to dwell too much on the fact that beer and TV had been her nightly routine, every night, for the last couple of months, paired with good old-fashioned anxiety and self-doubt.

"Well your depressive nights in are a thing of the past, because your hot best friend is now a hot model, and I am invited to the Grammy's!" Lys ended that sentence with a high pitched squeal that made AJ wince, and then stare at her with a confused look.

"Okay, so slay you're going to the Grammys and I am so proud of you and your tits which have sprung your career to such heights, but what does that have to do with me?" AJ asked, still just as confused as she was when her alarm rang earlier, and internally mourned the fact that she used to be a morning person.

"Because you're my plus one!!!" Lys exclaimed, the squeals of excitement reaching record heights.

AJ sighed, and found only one word suitable for the moment. "Fuck."

Several hours later and AJ inexplicably found herself in the back of a fancy black Merc nervously fiddling with her hair for the 10th time in the last 30 minutes. She couldn't help herself, yes it was a music award show but the industry is the industry, people know people and if she can meet some good people, maybe some agents, she might finally be able to launch her state-side stunt double career, and that isn't exclusive to TV and movies these days anyway, with the music video game crazier than ever before.

"Stop fiddling, AJ, you look hot. Give it 1 hour and girls will be throwing themselves at you." Lys finished the tease with a wink. AJ responded with a firm thwack to her arm.

"Fuck off, that's not why I'm nervous! This is the best opportunity I'll get in maybe forever to mingle with industry people, and I desperately need a job." AJ didn't even bother trying to hide the desperation in her tone.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 30 ⏰

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angeleyes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon