Chapter 1: To a New Term

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1898: September 15th.

Five years after graduation, MC has officially taken over as the Hogwarts Professor of Potions. Professor Sharp retired about a year ago, but still comes back to chat with his favorite student. Sharp has been more of a father figure to MC after the final battle and Fig. Which MC tries to honor Fig's memory were she can.

Ominis has been busy planning a wedding with Imelda Reyes, one of MC's close friends. Imelda is an acquired taste one must acquaint themselves with. Strong-headed and strong-willed she is, is the way MC introduced the two to each other before the seventh-year ball, which MC didn't attend.

Mc did not attend many social events after the events of fifth and sixth year. She kept to herself, if not to keep sane, but to also protect others. There was always this constant worry that one day, any moment if her emotions got the best of her, and she'd hurt someone, then the ministry would come and lock her up. MC would have constant nightmares about it and for that reason, pushed people away. Additional, if MC were to slip on her magic every again, MC would likely never see the light of day again.

That is why MC hasn't even dared the leave the castle even go to Hogsmade. Which is why MC has a deal with Garreth, where he supplies MC with any potion ingredients she may need for her teachings and studies; and Garreth can say, his business supplies Hogwarts when his experiments therefore sends the ministry yet again knocking on his door.

These supplies were what MC was organizing in the potion's classroom, a little past noon, when a dark, sing-song voice rang through the doorway.

" Greetings Sunshine!" Ominis chimed as he entered the potion classroom. Things were still a mess for the first years, but MC didn't have the energy to care. The next class wouldn't come until the afternoon, which gave MC time to self-loath and maybe take a nap.

"Hi, Gaunt" MC murmured while she stepped behind her desk and slumped with her head in her hands. Besides her morning classes, MC did not get much sleep as of lately and for some reason, her nightmares have increased in terror and length, making it harder to actually sleep.

"Haven't been sleeping well again?" Ominis asked as he reached to lift MC's chin. It still to this day shocks MC on Ominis ability to know where things are. His blindest was never a weakness, but his greatly strength. Ominis now held MC head up to his face with two figures under her chin. " I sense the circles under your eyes."

"Fuck off Gaunt!" MC promptly waved his hand away and stood up from her chair. She started to clean the classroom again, waving her wand to do most of the work. Why did Gaunt always have to make her feel things? She did not want to feel anything. MC knew it was pointless given her position. Ominis always knew when MC was having an off day.

"I was just stating a fact. Have the nightmares worsen?" Ominis asked sweetly. MC swears that if he were not so in love with Reyes, he would be in love with her. The way he continues to always worry and care for her after everything is unreal. Plus, the always having to touch her, despite his blindness, sometimes it was a little too much. Honestly, how Reyes does not get jealous is besides herself.

"Has the ministry stated something I should be concerned about?" MC asked, concern and worry laced in her tone. Ominis stepped in front of MC to block her path and started to trace her face. Always touching, always trying to heal the scars he didn't create.

This was something Ominis started to do after Sebastian left and MC started having nightmares and panic attacks. It always helped that after graduation, Ominis decided to become a healer. It was more to help Anne at that given moment, but has come useful when he sees fit to heal. The tracing of faces to soothe started after MC used to do it to Ominis and Sebastian, during fifth year to help with stress. MC liked doing it to them. Plus, Sebastian's face would always turn red, and he would then start to play fight with MC. The laughter that would fill the air. MC could not remember the last time she laughed. She also hadn't been touched by anyone since the end of sixth year. So, Omnis's touch was a bit of a shook her senses.

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