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Strange Neighbors.
Episode 1.

It was just like the last time.
Only this time, it started in a hospital...

I woke up in a dimly lit hospital room, the bitter smell of bleach and blood turned my stomach in an unsettling way. It's repulsive, and it felt too familiar.

I scowled behind the bandages that covered my face as I felt both nausea and deja-vu crawl up my stomach. It was such a distinct feeling, having your torn face sting and itch uncontrollably as the realization that you've been hurt and are in pain seeps into your skin. I didn't even feel like I was real.

The loud sound of ringing buzzed through my ears and I loathed the thought of getting up, wishing I could just sink into the bloodied hospital bed that reeked like death of those who lied here before me. But beggars can't be choosers, can they?

Forcing myself to get up from this damned bed (knowing it was inevitable), I stood as my lanky legs wobbled at the sudden feeling of the bitterly cold tiles stinging my already sensitive skin. I felt malnourished from the surgery prior, but the discreet ringing of the phone that itched at the back of my skull gave me the will to keep pushing on. I ached silently as I turned on the lights, wincing at the bright luminosity that I wasn't exactly prepared for. Thankfully, the bloodied bandages that were wrapped around my head like a cocoon prevented it from hurting as much.

The sound of the phone kept me going.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone, feeling relieved at the sound of the obnoxious ringing coming to a stop. I heard a voice at the other end of the phone, one that sounded deep and husky like a middle-aged man.

"It's okay, Sal... Everything is going to be okay now... Come and see..."

This was oddly puzzling, the voice at the other end of the line felt so close, yet it wasn't. I inhaled through my stuffy nose with a shaky breath as my eyes scanned the room like a hawk, trailing upon the bloodied hospital bed where I previously lied to the ugly dog portrait on the wall.

I hesitated, "Where am I?" I asked, and the man wasted no time to answer. "Don't worry about that," his tone was daunting as I felt myself become suspicious of him. "Just come find me."

Weird. Sounded like my dad.

I set the phone down, pleading to the voices in my head that it was just a coincidence. Just a coincidence that the man who had spoken to me moments prior was actually my dad and not just an intimidating creep who somehow managed to get ahold of me through some stupid hospital phone.

Where am I?

The thought swarmed my head and it had myself wondering why I was even here in the first place. I couldn't recall anything before I had awoken, so who's to say I will anytime soon?

I pushed aside my thoughts once I glanced down at the drawer next to my hospital bed. Just like everything else in the room, the wood was dull and lifeless of color. I peeked through the bandages on my face as I caught sight of a faint shadow under the drawer.

Letting my curiosity take ahold of my actions, I pushed the drawer back into the wall with my shoulder. It screeched as it moved across the tiles. I shivered at the unpleasant noise.

a light that never goes out.     s. fisher x reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat