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but you knew from the start it was us,
didnt you?
it just took me a while till i knew


"This will be our new beginning." My father, Henry, grunted as he set down another (and the last) box onto the emerald green carpeting. "We can finally leave what happened in New Jersey behind us now..." He wiped off his hands with his dark tan colored shirt and beamed at me.

"Why don't you go explore the building and makes some friends while I finish unpacking?" He asked, and I only nodded in reply. It wouldn't hurt to go around and introduce myself, surely.

Walking out of my father's room, I took the time I had to myself to explore my new home. Boxes were scattered throughout, silently begging and pleading to be unpacked. I glanced at the kitchen; it was dark and rather small, It felt intimidating, for as much as a kitchen can be.

Heading towards my room, I opened the door to find my orange and white freckled cat sleeping on my mattress that lied on the floor. I smiled behind my prothetic. "I see you've made yourself at home already, Gizmo." I laughed to myself under my breath. "Must be nice."

As I passed through the boxes and furniture pieces, I noticed my Gameboy sitting in between the crevice of my tv stand and the wall. So, with a bit of force, I pushed the stand out of the way.

"I was wondering where that was!" I bent down to pick it up, soon passing by Gizmo who was still comfortably resting on my naked mattress.

Shutting my door softly, making sure not to disturb Gizmo (he takes his beauty rest very seriously), I made my way to my father's room. As I entered, he turned his head from the box he was digging through and turned his head to smile at me. "Hey, kiddo." He greeted with a smile, "Decided to take a break from unpacking?" Tilting his head slightly, he stood;
"That's not a bad idea, we've been at it for awhile now. Maybe I'll take a break myself." He sighed.

"What do you think about this place?"

He shrugged. "It may not be as nice as our old home but we'll make the best of things." He reassured, "As long as we have each other, I think we can make a real home here."

As much as I didn't think a crummy and old apartment complex could make the best home, I figured I could believe him and hope for the best, yet, something was still off about this place. "I miss Jersey," I told him dolefully, looking off to the side at the box he was previously digging through. I already knew what his answer would be.

"I know ya do, bud, but please try to give it a chance." He patted my shoulder gently, his positivity did little to soothe me. "School will start up in a couple weeks and then you'll be able to make all new friends." He hummed behind his electric blue beard.

I slumped my shoulders slightly, releasing a heavy breath with a brief nod. "Yeah, I guess so." Change was hard. And I've had to go through change more than I should've— which says a lot. "I know so!" His hand left my shoulder and fell beside him. "Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend, Sal." I appreciated his attempt to console me, "Thanks, dad." He hummed with a smile.

The thought of bringing up mom faded in and out of my mind, but that would only mess up the already damp mood. 'This is our fresh start' as my dad said. I can't ruin that.

Once I was at his door, I flashed him a smile, even though I knew he couldn't see it. "See ya." I said, raising my arm to wave slowly. He nodded with a grin and reciprocated the gesture.

"Try not to get into too much trouble." He insisted, I chuckled under my breath as I closed the door behind me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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