A Mother's Dark Secret

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I've been having a few sleepless nights dreaming about Evelyn. It's like every time I try to close my eyes, all I see is Evelyn when I start dreaming. Her face, voice, hell, even I see her smile in my dreams. "Come in," I say when I hear someone knocking on my office door.

Pheonix and Parker walk in, and they look at me with shock. "Fuck me, boss, you look like shit," Pheonix says.

"I'm not sleeping well," I say to Pheonix.

"Take a few days off. Greg, Phoenix, and I can look after things while you rest," Parker nodded.

"I might just do that," I said, organizing some papers.

"We have that meeting in Russia with Nikolai next week," Pheonix said. "We need this meeting and make sure it goes well if we are to have any sort of influence and power in Russia,"

"Nikolai is Damian's Uncle; I'm sure it will be fine," Parker said.

"Don't be so sure about that, Parker. Now, I'm going to take a few days off and rest. If you need anything, call me immediately," I ordered. "Also, two shipments are coming in this week. I want them sorted before we fly to Russia,"

"Yes, boss. Parker and I have this handled," Phoenix nodded.

"Another thing, I want a memo sent to all the Black Dragons. Make sure they are reminded of what happens if they ever betray me. I don't want a repeat of what happened with Jenna ever happening again. Remind them who their leader is and make sure they know I will show no mercy,"

"Yes, Boss!" Parker and Phoenix said and walked out of my office.

A few hours passed, and I finished the paperwork I needed to get done before I started taking it easy. I went to my bedroom to get much-needed sleep.


(Few Months Later)

I enjoyed Ezra's birthday party last week, and so did Ezra. I'm happy he had fun and celebrated with a few kids his age. I can't believe he is already two years old. I looked at the clock; it was time to close the bakery and go home. Saturday arrived the next day, and I was getting ready for a morning run when Robert waved and approached me. "Evelyn, morning," Robert smiled.

"Morning Robert, it's good to see you," I smiled.

"Are you doing anything, going to gym?" Robert asked.

"No, just going for a jog while Ezra is at a playdate," I explained.

"Excellent, now I have a big favor to ask of you. I need a date, and I was hoping to ask you to be my date tonight," Robert said. "I have a big event to attend in the city, and my date canceled at the last minute,"

"Why can't you go alone?" I shook my head.

"I can't show up alone! Everyone who is anyone will be at this event," Robert got on his knees. "Please, Evelyn, I'm begging you. You will wear a lovely dress and mingle with the rich and famous. And to sweeten the deal, maybe even promote Ezra's Cookies and Cakes," Rober said.

I raised an eyebrow. "The rich and famous, eh?"

"I will owe you a huge favor. Please do this for me," Robert got back on his feet.

I shrugged at him. "Eh, what the hell. I'll ask Sofia to take Ezra overnight," I smiled.

"Thank you so much, Evelyn. I will pick you at six o'clock," Robert kissed my cheek and walked off.

My cheeks blushed when he kissed me. I better get this workout done and start getting ready for the event that Robert will be taking me to.

I spent the rest of the day preparing for the event with Robert. I hope he understands me about attending this event with him. Robert has often asked me on dates over the last two years, but I always turned him down. Robert is a sweet guy and very handsome. But after Ezra was born, I never felt ready to start dating again. I'm very fond of Robert, and Ezra loves spending time with him, but he doesn't make my heart skip a beat like Damian did. My eyes widened when I said his name in my thoughts. It's been two fucking years; I have to stop thinking about him. But every time I look at Ezra, I see Damian looking back. Ezra doesn't just look like his father; he also has the same personality, habits, and mannerisms. Lately, I notice Ezra cock his head to the side when he can't figure something out, just like Damian does, or the way he raises one eyebrow when he gets angry.

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