Chapter 29

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Soon enough, her station arrived. She got off, with tears soaked face and a painful smile on her face.
She started walking along the dark streets of her house which was all isolated at that time. She was controlling her emotions so hard.
After walking for a while , she reached her doorstep.
"Let's go, Dylan would be waiting." Hannah whispers to herself and was going to pull out her keys but before she could do that, the door swung opened making her flinch.
Suddenly a strong yet warm grip was felt by Hannah onto her wrist. And all of a sudden, she was pulled inside the house and the door was closed with a loud thud.
She was stunned for a moment with her eyes closed. But, slowly she opened her eyes just to see those charismatic, dark orbs focused on her.
She was pinned on the door and trapped in Dylan's embrace.
Dylan comes closer to her and slowly his huge palms hovered onto her red fluffy cheeks. He cupped her cheeks and said,"Who made you cry, Princess?"
Hannah was already controlling her feeling, her pain since a long time and as soon as Dylan asks this question, all the past scenarios started to flood in her mind and her eyes could see the sad cinema of her being the antagonist in their friendship.

She wanted someone by her side that time. She was on the verge of breaking.
She slowly clutches her hand onto Dylan's T-Shirt. And yet again, a sinful tear fell from her eyes. Dylan couldn't see her in that way. He slowly hugged her and ruffled her hairs. She cried bitterly in his embrace while he was just caressing the crying soul.
Gradually, Hannah also hugs him tight and started to cry more loudly.
He caressed the back of her and told,"What happened? Why the fuck are you crying, Hannah?Don't cry!"
"Let me cry, Dylan" Hannah says while clutching onto his tshirt much more tightly.
After a while she slowly frees Dylan from her tight grip.
Dylan slowly cups her face and wiped her tears off.
Then, he intertwined his fingers with hers and led her towards the couch. He made her sit. And he sat beside her.
Again, he swirls his finger in the air, but this time nothing happened. No bottle came. He was all worked up. He thought,"Why aren't my powers working?"
Again, he swirls his finger yet nothing came. Then, he slowly shifts his gaze towards the broken soul who was whimpering in pain.
He was so sad looking at her.
Atlast, he stands up and walks towards the kitchen.
"Why the fuck aren't my powers working?"He whispers to himself while taking out a water bottle from the fridge.
Then, he rushed towards the living room and hand overs the bottle to Hannah.
"Here" He says.
"Thanks, Dylan" Hannah replies in her shaky voice.
And she tried taking the bottle but.....
He didn't gave her the bottle, his grip was pretty much tight on the bottle.
Hannah looks at him in confusion and says,"What?"
Dylan comes closer to her and sits beside her and says,"What happened today? Why were you sobbing so bitterly? You don't look good while crying."
Hannah says with a wide grin on her face,"You mean I look good, normally?"
Before he could answer the question she replies,"I know, I do"
Dylan chuckles at her and gives the bottle.
He says,"Don't you dare to escape from me! Just tell me the truth already-"
"Or else you could hear my thoughts. Right?"Hannah continues his line.
Dylan nods and showcases his pearly white teeth in form of a smile.
Hannah was drinking the water and Dylan was just lost in her. And all of a sudden, a realisation hits Dylan.
"Yea, I could hear her thoughts. But why am I not able to?Why am I not able to hear her? Why the fuck my powers aren't working?"
"Are you done reading my mind?" Hannah asks while snapping her fingers in front of him.
"I'm no Stalker, why would I hear your thoughts?" Dylan replies covering the truth of his powers.
"Are you kidding me?" Hannah asks him.
"Nah!I just want to hear your story from you" Dylan replied while getting a grip onto her shoulders.

He was having his own worries about his powers. He was astonished by the sudden changes in his powers. He was feeling as if his heart had sanked into his stomach. But, he was also curious to know the reason of Hannah's sadness.He couldn't see his one and only friend crying and sobbing like this. Thus, he listened to her story and hugged his worries in silence. He didn't dare to say anything about his powers as he couldn't give heavier burden of tension to a shattered soul.

Hannah started with her traumatizing incident that had earlier taken place and he listened to it seriously.
After listening to it, he just looks at Hannah who was nothing more than a shattered soul .
He slowly hugs her and tells,"It's not your fault, Princess. Why would you cry?"
Hannah was taken aback by his sudden action but responded well by hugging him back.
She slowly whispers into his ears,"Thank you, Dylan."
He just ruffles her hair as a response.
She felt his lovingly touch and after such an incident, she had just smiled genuinely.
He slowly breaks the hug and tells by cupping her face,"Don't cry for stupid reasons."
Hannah nods as a response and he patted her head.
She smiles beautifully looking at him and he admires her beauty.
"You must be exhausted. Don't you wanna sleep?" Dylan asks
"I want to save you from trapping tomorrow. I mustn't sleep."Hannah replies.
Dylan chuckles looking at her and says,"Just sleep, Princess."
"Nah, I won't" Hannah replies.
Dylan glares at her teasingly.
Hannah does the same making him giggle.

Nearly at 3.59 a.m. Hannah was on the verge of dozing off and he was silently looking at her in awe. He slowly makes her comfortable on the couch by shifting her body towards the pillows and slowly caresses her head.
Withing a sec, she was sleeping deeply. He just sat there and saw her sleeping. Her dark brown hair swirled in the air, her long eyelashes added more beauty to her face. He was just lost in her beauty and suddenly, he realised about his powers.
He just caressed her head fondly and asks,"What's happening to me, Princess?"
Then, he stood up and walked into the bedroom. He came with a blanket and covered her tiny, petite body with it.

Then, he sat beside her and started testing his powers. He tried to swirl his finger and bring the bottle but nothing happened. His heart was beating loudly. He was anxious.

And suddenly.......

A/N:- Cliff hangers are important. Yk?!



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