Chapter 37

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He just hugs Hannah tightly and slowly he whispers," Thank you, Princess."
Hearing that Hanah caresses his back.
After consoling him, she slowly releases the hug and gazes at him with a mix of emotions, including fondness and pity.
He looks at her with warmth and fondness in his gaze.
Seeing her having tears all over her face, He hovered his hands over her cheeks and gently wiped them off. He whispers," Why are you crying, Princess?"
She just takes a huge breath in and exhales while whispering," I'm not crying"
"You're," Dylan says
Hannah just hugs him tightly and starts to sob on his hard chest. 
"You suffered so much, Alone." She says
Seeing her in this state, Dylan was taken aback but he gently stroked her back and ruffled her hairs.

With the rising Sun, the happiness, and brightness also rose in that house. Hannah slowly opened her eyes and saw towards the window. The sunlight was directly falling on her balcony. 
Hannah tried to move herself but she was just stuck into the tight embrace of Dylan. His huge hands were trapping her.
"Ouch! My neck is so sore." Hannah exclaims while lifting up his arms and suddenly her gaze shifts towards Dylan's face.
His face was shining in the sunlight. His hair was all messed up and almond-brown. His long brown eyelashes just added more beauty to his handsome face. His rosy lips were parted beautifully. His cheeks were a bit red for he had shed the sinful tears. Overall, he was looking exceptionally beautiful.
She slowly moves her fingers towards his face and gently strokes the hair that was ruining the view of his charismatic face.
And suddenly, his eyes opened slowly and she was shocked. She swiftly takes her hand down but.....
Dylan had already caught her wrist.
He slowly looked towards her and was taken aback by her beauty. Her dark brown curls with the freckles on her face in sunlight gave her a unique beauty. Her red cherry lips were attracting him. But controlling his feelings,
He says in his husky voice filling the silence in the house," Morning, Princess."
Hannah was all red. She also responds while looking towards her hands which ere captured by him," Morning, Dylan"

Then, he slowly left her hands and freed her from his embrace. She swiftly stood up and forwarded her hands to Dylan.
He was confused yet took her lead and went towards the balcony.
"Isn't the brightness, So beautiful?" Hannah asks while looking at the morning sky.
"mmm, It's so beautiful." Dylan says and later whispers," Like you"
"What?" Hannah questions.
"Nothing!" Dylan casually asks," Aren't you going to your job?"
"Later" Hannah replies while walking towards the bathroom.
"Really? Then, we can spend more time. "Dylan exclaims while following her.
"mmm," Hannah hums while brushing her teeth.
Then, she shuts the door and sits on the dry floor. She suddenly remembered that it was the day of the ballroom event, which was an honourable function of her company. Her eyes widened as she realized she didn't want to leave Dylan, but she couldn't miss the event either.
"Why don't I take him with me?" Hannah asks herself.
"He truly needs someone by his side now. I can't leave him. He had suffered already a hell lot. Nah! I must take him." Hannah says while thinking about Dylan.
" Also, I can just make my friends meet him. Purrfect!!" Hannah exclaims and washes her face.
She rushed out of the bathroom and called," Dylan!Dylan."
"Yea, in the kitchen!" Dylan responds.
Hannah runs towards the kitchen and gently taps on his shoulder. He turns back and says," Breakfast is almost done."
"Listen! Dylan" Hannah says while pulling him towards the living room. She made him sit on the couch and she sat on the floor.
Dylan looked at her with suspicious eyes.
"So, I want you-" Hannah was interrupted by Dylan.
"Why would you want me princess?" Dylan asks loudly in a nervous tone, his cheeks start to take the colour of red cherries.
"I mean, I have a function in my company, today. So, I want you to accompany me. Will you?" Hannah says while looking at him with her wide puppy eyes.
Dylan looked at her with his unbelievable eyes and he asked while pointing at himself," Me?"
Hannah nods in agreement and swiftly grabs his hands.
"Pleaseeeeee" Hannah sings.
"Ahh, Okayyyy, Okay." Dylan says while getting up from the couch and going towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he keeps his hand on his chest which raced at high speed. 
His face was all flushed red. He was feeling extremely hot. A rush of warm blood started accumulating in his cheeks.
"What's happening to me?" He questions himself.

"Yoo-hoo!" Hannah exclaimed as Dylan agreed to accompany her to the ballroom.
Then, she stood up and went into the bedroom. There, she wore casual black jeans accompanied by a white t-shirt. 
She starts moving towards the exit but Dylan stops her," No breakfast?"
"I'll eat later, I'll come in an hour, Dylan," Hannah says and starts wearing her sneakers.
"Just eat and go!" Dylan yells and pulls her towards the table.
She swiftly finished her food and left the house.

Dylan cleaned the house and asked himself, "What should I wear to the ballroom? I don't know how to dance."
He started walking towards the bathroom with his heavy peculiar footsteps.
"I must bath to look polished up, I suppose," Dylan says while looking at the shower.
And with that, he entered the shower.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door of the house.
"Dylan! I'm back!" Hannah yells and getting no response made her worried sick for him. She swiftly opens the door and rushes into the house.
Suddenly the door of the bathroom also unlocks and there......

Dylan emerged from the bathroom wearing grey pants, water droplets trickling down his exposed upper body as he dried his hair. Hannah couldn't help but hiccup at the sight of his fully exposed abs.
"You Bathe?" Hannah asks absent-mindedly. Her cheeks started to be pink in colour. She was blushing so much. She had a brand new suit for Dylan in her hands. She slowly forwarded the package to him.
He looks at the package, then at Hannah, who is trying to avoid his intense gaze by focusing on the ground. Her cheeks are turning red as she tries to close her eyes. He moves closer to her, causing her to take a step back, struggling under his gaze.
Suddenly, she wasn't able to move back anymore. She was trapped between him and the wall. She was pinned by him. She slowly tried looking at him. Her full face was flushed red. He goes closer to her face and with his slender index finger, he flickers her nose.
"Cute" He exclaims and takes the package from her hands to the bedroom.

A/N:- Tomorrow will be a very important chapter, I guess
Specially for the people who loves BLAKE AND JENNIE



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