11. Epilogue

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"𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥"

"You're going to be a best-selling fucking author, Evelyn. This is amazing." Alora said after she finished the pile of paper Evelyn gave her four hours earlier. The second she had received it, her eyes couldn't stop reading, it was almost addicting. "I mean I obviously still have to change the names and all that, but this is what I have been working on for the past few months." Evelyn said, trying to remain humble, but her face was filled with pride. "Have you informed Bella on this yet?" Alora asked as she looked up from the papers at the ginger in front of her. An immediate feeling of guilt entered Evelyn's stomach as she thought of a valid reason to not inform their ex-partner at all. "I wasn't planning on telling them at all, actually." Evelyn tilted her head as she said this, hoping to gain some compassion from her best friend. "Evelyn..." Alora said, clearly not falling for her trap. The red-haired woman let out a big sigh, as she knew it was going to end this way. "It's a book about your breakup, you have to tell them." She said, and it seemed as if Alora was the one convincing Evelyn at this point. "I haven't seen or spoken to them since the flight, I can't." The red-haired woman sighed, dreading the phone call she knew she needed to make, despite her wishes to just ignore it. Deep inside, Evelyn knew she had to run it by her ex to make sure it they were okay with it. Even with different names and some small plot changes, it still felt too personal to Evelyn to keep a secret from Bella. "I'll call them." Evelyn said, and she very much hoped she could keep that promise. Alora nodded, but she knew she wouldn't have given up until her best friend promised her. "I promise." Evelyn said after she noticed the expression on Alora's face. This gave her the confirmation she needed, and with that she said goodbye to her best friend, leaving her alone in their now shared apartment while she left for work. 

As Evelyn's finger hoovered over the call button, so many memories from months earlier flooded her mind, which made her more and more uncertain as to if she wanted to do this. Without any further doubt, she clicked the small button on her screen. Evelyn patiently waited for her ex to pick up, as she secretly hoped they wouldn't answer. Surprisingly, after four rings, Bella picked up. As Evelyn looked at the clock, she realised what an odd hour she was calling at for them, and almost let out a sigh out of stupidity. "Evelyn?" Bella asked, their voice sounded tired and raspy. She took a deep breath before answering the person on the other line. "Hi." Is all she managed to get out, almost too nervous to talk to the person who was once her world after six full months. The leaves had already lost their colour by then, and the colours were replaced with hints of green as spring was beginnning. "How are you?" Bella asked, and it didn't strike Evelyn as odd that they didn't immediately ask her why she was calling, especially at an hour this odd. "I'm alright, I've been doing better, how about you?" Evelyn told them, being fully honest and genuine. "Could be better, but I'm holding up alright." Bella explained, and Evelyn could immediately hear that they were busy shooting, because their accent had this odd, American ring to it, something she had not heard before. "I called to ask you about something." Evelyn stated as she patiently awaited her ex-partner's response. "Ask away." They said, and the both of them knew that each other's soft spots for one another were still right there, like they had never left in the first place. "I finished my book." Evelyn started, unsure on how to ask them the burning question. "That's great, Evelyn. I can't wait to buy it when it comes out, I'm so proud of you." Bella said, and Evelyn could hear the smile on their face through the phone, and that caused the redhead to smile back, even though Bella couldn't see her. 

"The question was kind of about that. You know how I never let you read any of it?" Evelyn asked, but she already knew the obvious answer to the question. "Yeah." Bella confirmed, their tone a litte bit confused.  "That's because I wrote it about us." Evelyn finally revealed, and she could feel the nerves calm down as she said these words. "Oh." Bella said, which caused Evelyn to think back to the night at the restaurant all those months earlier. "I wanted to have your permission, because it wouldn't feel right to put it out there without your approval." Evelyn said, surprised at how oddly formal the words left her mouth. "How much does it describe?" Bella asked, a question that Evelyn had feared for. "Everything." She said, hoping it wouldn't make too big of a difference to them. "Is my name in it?" Bella continued, causing the nerves in Evelyn's stomach to leave once again. "No, and I changed several plot points." She explained as she hoped Bella would allow her to publish the book she had spent so long writing. "Go ahead, Ev, publish it. I'll be rooting for you." Bella said, which caused several tears to appear in both of their eyes, without either of them knowing it from one another. The use of the old nickname made Evelyn's heart flutter, and it felt as if the months of progress had all gone to waste just then. "Thank you, Bells." Evelyn said, reciprocating the use of the old nicknames. There was a silence on the other side of the phone, but she could tell it was because Bella was smiling. "Good luck with everything, I love you." They said, causing yet another tear to fall from Evelyn's eyes. She hadn't misheard it all those months ago, it was all real. Even Alora had told her she probably just imagined it, but it was real all that time. "Good luck shooting, I love you too." Evelyn said, and she hung up the phone right after, not knowing whether she'd be able to bare another second on the phone with her ex like that.

The months without contact hadn't been easy on either of them, but during that time both of them realised that if they were really meant to be, they would find their way back to each other, which brought the two a lot of comfort. So without being aware of it, the both of them remained apart from each other with so much love for one another in their heart without the other knowing about it, with hope in their hearts that maybe, one day, they would meet again. Because as it turns out, there is most definitely such a thing as right person, wrong time.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Author's note:

I hope I managed to write this last chapter in an understandable manner... The rest of the story is basically up for interpretation, BUT if this story ever manages to hit like 5k reads I might just make a part two, even though it's highly unlikely:)

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