Zarah and Gargisana

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Inside Kweith's sleeping mind, there was a treehouse, and inside the treehouse, there were six kids who ran around, played, read books, or just eat. But today, it seemed that Kweith was just staring into nothingness as his friends did their own thing.

("I miss them..")

Kweith thought as he sat in the corner, looking into the void in his mind while his eyes zone off.





Kweith jolted back into reality as Sam shook him

"Heeyy :)"

"What do you want?"

Kweith muttered as he looked at Sam with an annoyed face, on the other hand, Sam was smiling as usual, his black, void eyes and permanent carved smile on his face

"You seem down, what's bothering you?"

The annoying friend asked, his irritating tone of voice disappearing as he became genuinely concerned

"Nothing much, just thinking about the things I did back know."

"I know, yeah, but that was all in the past, you should forget about them."  <-- (Sam)

"I still feel bad."
"Its funny, after three years, now I'm only apologizing. I'm such an asshole."
"I was such a dumbass back then. I was so blindly jealous, I mean, she was just hanging out with another friend, why did I have to be know! Mad...Gargisana has her own life, I can't be her only friend, yet, I guess my mind wasn't still processing those kind of things, huh? I'm really selfish."

"And Zahra too! Why am I even chatting her constantly? She's not replying, she doesn't bother me anymore, she has her own life. Why am I still thinking I'm her friend?"
"It's all so..confusing. I'm still bothering her, am I being too nosy? I'm just worried. If they both left me, who's to say you guys won't leave too?"

As Kweith struggled to talk while small tears formed in his eyes, Sam patted his back

"We won't leave. We promise."


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