chapter one

36 3 2

monday, 7:20 am, april 23rd 2020 -


chloé sighed as she realised she would actually need to get up and get ready for school, it had already been such a rough morning for chloé as she had been up all night due to her parents partying all night long.

eventually she did manage to get them to go to bed but by the time they had actually fell asleep it was already 7:20 am so chloé had to get up and get ready for school.

she got out of her bed and walked to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth as well as giving her face a quick rinse, chloé wasn't the type of girl to have a fancy skincare routine, sure she wanted to be able to use serums and stuff but she simply could not afford it and so she stuck to water and a cheap face wash she got from tesco.

after finishing up in the bathroom, chloé put her glasses on and then went back to her room and threw on her school uniform which consisted of a black skirt, a white button up, a black tie with her school's logo on along with a black sweater to keep herself warm and covered and then her black converse high tops.

it was roughly 7:55 am when chloé finished getting ready, she was about to leave the house when her dad drunkenly fell down the stairs..

"dad?!" chloé's eyes widened as she rushed to her dads side to help him up, he was fine other than a little bump to his head however he seemed well and truly pissed off and so he took it out on chloé.

8:50 am, at school -

chloé ended up being thirty minutes late to school due to what her father had done to her, after falling down the stairs he took his frustration out in chloé who was now left with a black eye and a split open lip.

she sighed to herself as she looked at the time and then walked into the office to be marked in.

"miss laurent.. late again are we?" mr jackson sighed and shook his head as he proceeded to mark chloé in as late, "whats the excuse this time?".

"i missed the bus" chloé shrugged to herself.

mr jackson shook his head and mumbled a few words under his breath before he waved chloé off and allowed her to go to her first class which was history.

chloé didn't mind history at all, sure she didn't like having double history like she did today but her teacher was kind and he was quite young so he got on decently well with all of his students.

as chloé got to the classroom door she took a deep breath and then attempted to walk in unnoticed but all attention quickly fell on her, she quickly rushed to her seat at the back and put her head on the desk.

"okay! eyes on me guys c'mon now, i want you to do the next four questions in your textbooks. if you need me raise your hand and ill help you out" mr pierce grinned.

mr james pierce, every teenage girls crush. almost every girl in school had a crush on mr pierce and sure chloé did too but atleast she didn't make it obvious.

"chloé can we have a chat?" mr pierce smiled and tapped chloé's desk.

"mhm" chloé nodded and got out of her chair, she then followed mr pierce out of the classroom and leaned up against the wall.

"how are you chloé?" mr pierce asked with a kind smile on his face, it was obvious that he meant well but chloé was tired and really didn't feel like talking.

"im fine, as always" chloé mumbled and she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"mhm.. and did you fall over again on the way to school?" mr pierce raised his eyebrow as he examined the purpley / blue bruise forming on chloé's eye along with her lip which had been cut open.

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