Distinctive Distractions

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Today is the day for Dream, Sapnap, and George to set up all of their newly bought items from their little pet store trip the other day.

Except for the fact that Sapnap has been streaming all day, and most definitely had no plans of stopping anytime soon.

Leaving the job for just George and Dream to accomplish together.

Dream sighs, pulling each one of the small cages out of their original packaging, and finding the instructions to help piece them together.

"Dude, this is going to take us double the time without Sapnap."

"Yeah, guess he values his stream over us," George replies, laughing.

"I mean, I guess I can't blame him. I'd rather stream than read through tedious instructions to more than likely have to redo the entire thing at the end."

"Well, we could always just stream us setting everything up-" George suggests

"George, no! What if chat asks us what we're setting this all up for, then what?" Dream retorts, cutting the older off.

"I suppose that's true," George exhales briefly, clearly disappointed, but it's washed over with understanding.

"Alright, let's get to work then, shall we?"

With a nod, the two get started, handling the cages first.

"Alright, so it says we need to attach the bottom piece to the sides and-"

Suddenly, one of the blobs shift from their original place of where they were initially set next to all of the supplies by George.

It makes a strange sound, more or so a high-pitched squeak.

"Dream, look! Mine is like, walking-" George is quick to sit up, observing the creatures every move.

Dream laughs, not taking his eyes off the instructions. "George, they can't actually walk-" His voice is laced with doubt, but when he looks up, all doubt is dropped and interchanged with pure shock.

"Look, it like-hops!" George blurts, smiling excitedly.

"I-oh my god this is not going to go well if we have to piece things together and take care of your stupid blob-" Dream laughs, running a hand down his face in tandem.


"Sorry, It's not stupid, I just-" The blond attempts to solicit a sorry, only to be cut off.

"Tell Little George sorry."

This pulls Dream's attention, his eyes meeting George's dark chocolate ones.

"Little George..?" He repeats in question, trying his best not to burst out laughing on the spot.

"Yes. That's his name, now say sorry." George is clearly unamused by Dream's outburst at the name he's chosen, standing his ground, waiting for an apology.

"I-" and a wheeze breaks up his sentence.

George seems offended by this.

"Dream, is the name Little George really that funny?" He says, crossing his arms.

"I- no, um-" and another wheeze.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Dream finally replies, taking in a deep breath to gain composure.

Little George lets out a small squeak, hopping in place.

"See," George says, clearly satisfied, patting his blob on the head. "He accepts your apology."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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