Felix Catton

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Ya'll I am so sorry but idk what you guys see in this man, like the jawline- I get Timothee Chalamet but this man is too far


I couldn't imagine Felix finding true love or going on dates, trying to put himself out there, etc. He seems like a one night stand type of guy (As it's shown in Saltburn) He kinda just fucks whoever lmao.


So I could see you and Felix having a one night stand, wtv, going at it (cringing so hard rn) and after him asking you to stay the night, as he makes up some stupid excuse as to why you should stay because he's too embarrassed to hint to you that he likes you more than a fuck buddy. Then you guys would cuddle each other to sleep


-He's 100% overprotective & possessive over you

-Has his hand on your thigh whenever, at dinner, at Oxford, etc.

-His parents didn't like you that much at first but they love you now

-He shops at Ralph Lauren

-"The Jock" type of football bf vibes

-Likes Deftones

-Talks shit about Farleigh to you

-Throws little cute notes/paper balls at you during classes at Oxford


Comment any requests <3333

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