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As she gets to her dorm she texts her boyfriend to come over. As she starts unpacking she hears a knock. "Come in!" She yells and in walks Martin her hands on boyfriend "hey babe" he said as he kisses her "I missed you" she mumbled " I missed you too mi amor" he replied " Martin can I talk to you about something?" She asked " yea babe what's up? Are you ok?" He said worried " yea I'm fine it's just.. I feel like we need to tell Alvaro about our relationship I mean we can't keep it a secret forever" she said letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding " your right if he found out I don't think he'll ever be able to forgive us" he said as the continued planning about talking to Alvaro Juanma stands beside the door waiting to reveal their secret.

As the audition for GO! Is happening Lupe and Juanma are walking, but his friend runs up to them " Juanma! Juanma! We gotta hurry " Nico said " and just where do you think my boyfriend?" Lupe said angry that her time with her boyfriend was cut short the boy was stuck didn't know to say "listen we'll talk later about the meeting" Juanma said " the meeting!" In to hints to see the girls at GO! Auditioning "Oh the meetings right now" said Nico "right now?! then I really have to go" said Juanma "are you gonna go talk about who's captain" Lupe " yeah we're gonna discuss about" Juanma said as he lied to his girlfriend "oh then go" Lupe said then kissed him goodbye.

As the GO! Auditions are happening nova is preparing how to tell her brother that she's dating his best friend until she hears a certain voice....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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